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Time of day you measure matters

Time of day you measure matters

I’ve never seen this discussed before but maybe it has. Folks, for me I can honestly say after a week of measuring, that the time of day I measure makes a huge difference.

I am almost 1/4 inch thicker in the morning. More importantly, I am growing at a steady rate. I would not know this for sure unless I measure in the morning right after I get up.

I believe that in the past I would get discouraged because I would measure at different times of the day. I would feel bigger but then I would measure and get a disappointing result.

As far as length. I can’t tell for sure just yet. (Evening may be longer).

Could this be like height? Taller in the morning. Who else experiences this? If this is true, then we need to make sure we measure in the morning to get an accurate result.
Measuring consistently (including time of day) may yield consistent measurements.

I certainly have better wood in the morning than any other time. It wouldn’t surprise me if I measured thicker as well. Possibly longer, as well.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I always try to measure in the morning—I’m thicker and longer. I max out between 9 and 10 o’clock a.m.

"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


In the morning you have high testosterone about height in the evening we are usually 1cm shorter because of the spine disc compression

There are lots of things that are higher levels in the morning. DHEAS is one of particular interest to me. It dissipates upon waking up and becoming active though.

I always measure with a good morning wood. It’s usually harder and bigger in the morning.

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