Thunder's Place

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Best time of the day for pumping?

Best time of the day for pumping?

I was wondering when durign the day everyone here pumps.

Personally I try to pump as close to when I know I’m going to have sex also. I’ve been pumping in the afternoon, sometimes before I sleep.

Just curious about what everyone has to say about this.




Afternoon pumping guarantees your nocturnal erections will be maximized and I like to believe this helps cement your gains.

Morning pumping guarantees you will have a large flaccid hang all day.

Both times have advantages, and I mix them up. Today is an afternoon and I think tomorrow will be morning.

Morning for me. I like to get PE out of the way for the rest of the day, and the post-pump hang ain’t bad either.



Originally Posted by gprent101
Afternoon pumping guarantees your nocturnal erections will be maximized and I like to believe this helps cement your gains.

Morning pumping guarantees you will have a large flaccid hang all day.

Both times have advantages, and I mix them up. Today is an afternoon and I think tomorrow will be morning.

What do you think about pumping before you go to sleep? Despite pumping right before sleeping, I felt my nocturnal erections were stronger when pumping in the afternoon, as you have described. I wonder why this is.



I pump in the morning also to get my PE done for the day. I will sometimes pump after work for a few sessions but I like to just be done with it. I have found what others have stated here to be true 1) if I pump in the morning, I stay with a fatty most or all day 2) if I pump in the evening my nocturnal wood begins earlier in my sleep.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

I pump before bedtime and usually miss my morning wood as my dick is still repairing itself. I get a lot of afternoon wood though.

I pump at night before bed. I still get nocturnal erections, though maybe not as frequent or hard. In the morning, I have a very heavy flaccid. After a very good pump session the night before, that enhanced flaccid will stay with me all the way to late afternoon. With an average pump, it stays with me through mid to late morning.

I’ve often wondered if I were able to get a 15 minute pump done in the morning whether I could keep the heavy flaccid all the way until my next pump session. Surely, If you could maintain a larger than usual flaccid almost all the time (excepting rest days), then wouldn’t it be more likely that that state would become permanent?

Unfotunately, family and privacy issues (not too mention scrambling to get ready for work) preclude me from any pumping in the morning.

I pump first thing in the morning. Morning wood assists in maintaining an erection while pumping and the fattiness aids in my daily hanging and jelqing.

I prefer to do it in the morning. It’s easier to maintain the erection during the whole pumping session.

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