Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Girlfriendwife wanting to measure me.


Don’t worry about it brother. I have almost that size of length 6.3 and I am around 5.5 of girth. That is plenty to make a woman satisfied. Stay positive brother.

Originally Posted by firegoat
Women generally don’t comment on big dicks, just as you probably don’t say ‘wow you’ve got big tits’ to a girl with big tits.

Women tend to express themselves in more ‘emotional’ language, rather than ‘factual’ . They say ‘oooh I love your dick’, they may even say ‘you’ve got a great dick’. But they are unlikely to say you have a big dick. That would be a male way of expressing it.

However, if you break up with them, they may well say you have a small dick, even if its 8x6. :)

Exactly! I wish everyone that came to this site could read this post so that we wouldn’t keep having this concern come up here. Speaking for myself, the girl I have been having sex with as of late hasn’t made any direct comments about my size, all she ever says is “you’re deep inside of me”. I don’t worry about it though, I just focus on enjoying myself.

Starting: 6 7/8 EL X 4.8 EG (estimated since I didn't measure)

Current: 8.5 EL X 5.5 EG

Goal: 8.5 X 6.25

Originally Posted by Mdb1970
Thanks for all the support guys and gals. I don’t wanna come off sounding pathetic. I’ve just never mentioned to my wife about my size insecurity and you guys are a great sound board. Thanks again.

I say tell her yes to measuring it, then mark off the inches with a marker pen and see how many she can gobble up ;)

I wouldn’t want my wife measuring, but that’s just me.

I do PE for me, so its really none of her business.

After years of her not saying anything about my size my wife back-handedly complimented my size the other day by telling me to “get your big cock in the bathroom and re-do the caulk”.

I laughed. She’s a funny girl.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by firegoat

Women generally don’t comment on big dicks, just as you probably don’t say ‘wow you’ve got big tits’ to a girl with big tits.

Women tend to express themselves in more ‘emotional’ language, rather than ‘factual’ . They say ‘oooh I love your dick’, they may even say ‘you’ve got a great dick’. But they are unlikely to say you have a big dick. That would be a male way of expressing it.

Always well said, Firegoat!

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Originally Posted by Behemoth

I say tell her yes to measuring it, then mark off the inches with a marker pen and see how many she can gobble up ;)

Haa ha haaaa! 😂

Started PE 6/14/13. BPEL 6.5", NBPEL 5.5", MSEG 4.75"

7/18/13 BPEL 6.75, NBPEL 5.75, MSEG 4.875

8/9/13 BPEL 7", NBPEL 6", MSEG 4.875

Originally Posted by TypicalGuy001
Haa ha haaaa! 😂

I was serious, that’s a fun game, and it becomes a bit of an obsessive challenge for them, after a while they are wanting to see how far they can get. I can live with that :)

That is just awesome Behemoth!! Sucks for me though the wife has a wicked gag reflex. I can’t complain, she does great with what she “can gobble up”!

Started PE 6/14/13. BPEL 6.5", NBPEL 5.5", MSEG 4.75"

7/18/13 BPEL 6.75, NBPEL 5.75, MSEG 4.875

8/9/13 BPEL 7", NBPEL 6", MSEG 4.875

Originally Posted by TypicalGuy001
When I started PE I my wife and I talked about length and she thought I was 8”. Told her I was 6 1/2 and she was surprised. (Not disappointed). When I told her my goal was 8” she said “hell no!” Sometimes during sex she complains about too much depth. Still going for 8x6 anyway!!

Then you are going to end up in the same boat as me. Listen to your wife, trust me. A lot of the guys know my story.
Let’s get back to the this thread.

Originally Posted by tntjockey

Then you are going to end up in the same boat as me. Listen to your wife, trust me. A lot of the guys know my story.

Let’s get back to the this thread.

Thank you tnt for for posting that link to your thread. I read it in full and must say it is an amazing story. I will definitely take your advice and listen to my wife. She is very supportive of my PE (maybe not as much as Mrs. tnt!) and will be sure to keep the lines of communication open between us. Congratulations on your gains and saving your marriage as a result. Very inspirational.

Started PE 6/14/13. BPEL 6.5", NBPEL 5.5", MSEG 4.75"

7/18/13 BPEL 6.75, NBPEL 5.75, MSEG 4.875

8/9/13 BPEL 7", NBPEL 6", MSEG 4.875

Originally Posted by TypicalGuy001
Thank you tnt for for posting that link to your thread. I read it in full and must say it is an amazing story. I will definitely take your advice and listen to my wife. She is very supportive of my PE (maybe not as much as Mrs. tnt!) and will be sure to keep the lines of communication open between us. Congratulations on your gains and saving your marriage as a result. Very inspirational.

You are a wise man. There are more important things than a large penis and that is marriage, family, and for the single guys, relationship. It is not the head below, but the head on your shoulders. Use that and it will not
matter how small or huge your penis is, with the right mind set, you penis will be huge the right size for both you and you partner.

If you do let her measure, for god sakes don’t adhere to the measurement protocols here ;) Its my observation that most guys measure the longest when they are seated and leaning back (judging from pictures and my own experience). If you are 6.5, you’ll hit 7. If you it 7, everytime you walk in a room with her girlfriends present, you get lots of smirks. Good luck


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