Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Best exercise for girth?

Best exercise for girth?

What’s the best grip or exercise that will focus on mainly girth while still giving some length?

I like to use the wet jelq and the jelq squeeze

Start 3/17/08 FL-4 1/4 FG- 4 1/4

BPEL-7 1/2 NBPEL-6 5/8 EG-5 1/4

GOAL- 8x6

Originally Posted by harris_099

I like to use the wet jelq and the jelq squeeze

I would agree. Girth gains are just a bit slower going, for me anyways. I’m building patience, and a bigger dick.

Keep it simple. Pre-warm it, jelq it, post-warm it, put it away.

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine


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