Thunder's Place

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Best way to gain length

Best way to gain length

I was just wondering if someone could tell me which PE methods get best length gains?


In my opinion, and everyone has one I think that Hanging is the best method for length because it is quantifiable and the tension can be measured and increased accurately and easily. However, if you should decide to hang you should start out PE-ing by jelking to condition your unit and then introduce yourself slowly into a program. You can do your research in the Newbies Area of the forum while you start jelking.

Just my two cents :)

I’m a newbie to PE & have noticed that after only a short period of PE that my flaccid length has gained but not the erect length. I too am interested what length exercises you could use to gain erect length.

The best method is persistence. Persist, persist and persist. Start with the newbie method which can be found here quit easily, but whatever you do, just keep doing it.

Godzuki, I noticed exactly what you have. Flaccid increased practically overnight, and has stayed that way. Hasn’t turtled up once! Erect length will come in time, draw encouragement from the bigger flaccid for now!

Hi guys,

Follow the newbie routine for at least a month, then start asking about which is better. Oh and there isn’t a best, each individual will react to the exercises differently.

BE PATIENT ( and yes I yelled on purpose) !!! You do not, I repeat, do not want an injury that will set you back. Now, this has become the standing joke around here, but repeat after me: I have one penis, I will not hurt it, I have one penis, I will not hurt it.

Once your penis is conditioned to exercising instead of jerking off, then you can begin to explore options such as hanging, pumping etc. But you MUST condition your unit first.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I still believe that stretching is the most beneficial if you calculate gains, low injury risks and privacy.

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