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Bib Hanger: Question regarding weight

Bib Hanger: Question regarding weight

I will be buying a Bib Starter kit this January 01 and would like to know a good website to order weights from to hang on the Bib

Thank-You in advance.

Any sporting good store should have them. Anywhere from half a pound to a single ten or two. Anything with a fitness department which means K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Sears, etc……….. Why pay shipping on dead weight when it is a hop to the local mall or Sports Authority?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Normal metal weight lifting plates are best. My advice is to buy a set of dumbells with a range of plates, that way you can use them to workout with between PE sessions. :)

Good Luck

As guys said get dumbbell weights/plates (2- 5lb and 2 - 2.5lb) that’s good enough in the beginning. For small incremental weights, use golf weights, I use a 1 liter plastic sports bottle and fill it with water to the levels I need (1 liter of water ~ 1 kilo ~ a little over 2lb).

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

As SS4 and sparky pointed out, get regular weights that use plates. I think it’s important to get something heavy but small to avoid your weights knocking into things or touching the ground.

And also you can work your arms at the same time.

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