Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Gains in First Month, Worried about Motivation

Big Gains in First Month, Worried about Motivation

I started 4 weeks ago and measured in at approx. 5.5” BPEL/ 5”NBEL with 4.75 EG mid-shaft. I say approximately because I used a seaming tape measure to measure length and girth, so looking back it wasn’t that accurate, although the above measurement includes an added .5” to make up for my fatpad. And now I am at 6.3-6.4 BPEL x 4.9-5 EG, measured accurately with a standard ruler. Is it normal to see that in the first month? Now I am worrying about seeing any substantial gains or losing those gains, as I have so frequently read about here, or wondering if I have really made any true gains because I didn’t measure properly last month. I am worried that these issues could kill my motivation to keep going.

I am following the Standard Newbie Routine (pretty much to a “T”) aside from days where I felt that I overworked and took two-day breaks instead of one.

Comments, Suggestions or Motivational Quotes?

As a side note: the other morning my GF was waking me up and I had morningwood — and she said “your intimidating me with that big thing”. Now I know it’s not as big as some of you that hang around this site, but I think that was the first time she actually insinuated that I am big. It feels good.

You worry too much. Stop worrying. You seem to be doing just fine.

Congratulations. Just keep doin’ what you’re doin’ Just be careful you don’t get too big ;) .

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Nice job.

Heed Modesto’s words. It is good advice.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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