Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bigger,Harder,Stronger Two Month Update

Bigger,Harder,Stronger Two Month Update

Bigger Harder Stronger
Direct words from the wife this weekend:

I haven’t measured girth yet but length has increased
1/2 inch in two months. I am sure about the measurements because
When I started I measured everyday for a week always trying to work
Up the best measurement. I took the best measurement I could get
That week. 5 1/2 BP measuring on top to the tip.
I am very pleased to report that two times this weekend (the only
Two times I measured) I got a measurement of 6 inches!!
Needless to say I was freaking out!
I knew I had grown but the proof was in the measurements.
The only reason I decided to measure was because of the wife’s word’s,
She knows about PE and could tell a difference

An interesting note to this is that I also measured the bottom in the
Beginning. That measurement was 6 inches and now it measures 6 1/2

If anyone is interested in my routine:
It’s basically the newbie routine with more reps added on days I can get them
In. Some days I actually did the routine twice. (Not the first month)
The second month I jelqued almost erect, sometimes erect
The other thing I have going is I’m fortunate to have a hot tub
Probably at least a third of the days I did a second stretch routine inside the
Hot tub at night before going to bed.
I don’t really like the feeling I get when I stretch at any angle upward so I do these less and very light. The down stretches I continue to increase the force gradually until the 30 seconds are up never reaching the point of pain but a real good “pull”

So far haven’t received any type of injury except the red dots.
However one day I felt I did to many jelqs and received some temporary shrinkage
For those who think that the erect or almost erect jelqing is bad for a newbie.
I completely understand. I always decrease the pressure exerted the more erect percentage that I’m at. Girth has definitely increased as well I’m just not sure how much.More info later on flaccid improvement
Oh yeah I almost forgot a lot of days I wear one golf weight for an hour or so after my workouts

Thanks everyone!

COOL! Congratulations.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Thanks Sunshine Kid!

Last night I ran out of time
One of my MAIN goals with PE is to
Drastically increase flaccid size
Before I started PE my flaccid had a tendency
More times than not to be very small basically almost
No shaft and just the head.
Some ‘good’ days a would have just a little bit of hang

It appears that my old amount of shrinkage is gone
I haven’t seen my old flaccid state in weeks.
Most of you guys probably realize that when you have to pee
You hang a little better. At least I do, a few times when I have went to piss
I did not recognize the dick as being mine.

PE goals:
EG 6+
Flaccid someday never smaller than 5

Indeed, very cool. Congratulations longboarder! I hope I can give a two months mission statement like yours when the time has come.

Keep going and let it grow huuuuuuge…

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

3 month update

I realized that I previously posted girth wrong.
My original girth was 4 1/4 not 4 1/2 and has now increased 3/16 up to 4 7/16
This is behind the glans at the base it is 1/4 more being 4 11/16

I am pleased to report that my BPEL is now 6 1/4
NBP 5 1/4

I plan to continue with the Jelqing and stretching only routine for now
Can I make 6 1/2 BPEL by next month.. Hopefully, that is my next goal to reach within the next four to six weeks.

I might start hanging at some point if I can get some time to make a hanger

Long Term Goal : NBPL 7 inches
Girth 6

Routine = Jelq and stretch

Great Gains!!! Keep it up!!

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

Thanks Patientone , I plan to.

Routine = Jelq and stretch

Great job! Your gains are inspiring truly. Keep up the good work and keep us updated!

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