Blood Flow and Circulation
Awhile back i posted about having poor circulation in both my hands and feet. Well i went and had a few tests done and got the results late last week. They tell me I have very poor ciruclation throughout my whole body and my doctor told me if i wanted to I could be put on blood thinners and ect. He also asked me how my satisfied i was with my sex life considering the poor blood flow in my body. Basically asked if i felt like my erection quality was good and if my sex drive was the same as it has always been.
Well anyways im only 27 and he said there is no real nessacary reason for me to be on blood thinners at this time and felt if i was happy with my sex life then there no real reason to look into prescribing a ED pill. I came home and told the g/f the situation and she was concerned and we got to talking and she said she has noticed a differnce in my EQ and she knew something was up but didnt want to bring it to my attention until I got results from the doctors. So last night she got talking to her girlfriend about somethings and mentioned my health problem, but then eventually got onto the EQ problem, and her girlfriend asked her if she think i would be interested in trying viagra. I guess that her b/f was is a motorcylce accident when he was a teenager and had some major ED problems. So last night my g/f came home and told me about the convo they had, and asked me if i would be interested in taking a viagra and handed it to me and i said sure what the hell, ill try it and see if there any differnece.
well withing a matter of about 40 minutes it felt like my dick was on fire, tingling with sensations i havent felt before. Almost felt like my dick was going to explode. if you have read any of my past post im happy with my lenght and all the PE i have done has been to focus on girth. Let me tell you one thing, i could tell right away that i was much fuller and thicker and before we began anything i was curious and slipped into the bathroom and measured my girth. And to my suprise i had gained just over a half an inch from my everyday EG. no PE at all that day, nothingmore than a few tugs on my dick and there it was standing proud and alot larger in diameter. We did our thing and we talked about if things were any better or any worse and how i liked it and all that crap. she said she noticed a big difference in girth, and said she felt really satisfied.
Well anyways, do you think this was just a fluke seeing how it the first time i ever tried any EQ suppliment? And i know penis pills like extenze and enztye are total bullshit scams but do they really increase bloodflow to the penis like they claim? i know NO PILL will make your penis bigger but what about increasing the bloodflow to the penis? Has anyone tried or noticed any bloodflow increase while on them pills? I have another viagra for tonight and my girlfriend told me when she left for work to be ready for round 2 tonight so im going to see if the effects are the same? if they are im going to consider talking to my doctor about getting a prescription. if it just a fluke i might consider trying extendz or something. I mean spending $30 for a bottle of pills is nothing to me. they stock them right at our local Wal-mart for $27.98. just means I wont bet as much on the BCS game thursday night. But in all reality anyone who has taken them kinda pills have you noticed better blood flow to the penis? i know that Pills wont magically make me bigger but im sure with my PE routine and pills combined that I would be able to make gains. What do you guys think?