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Blood spots

Blood spots

How long does it take for a little blood spot to go away, on average? I haven’t got one yet but I read that a lot of people get them and I just don’t wanna get freaked out. So like say you get one on the head of your penis.or the shaft.or w/e, how long would it take to go away?

Not long at all. In my experience, less than a day.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

1 day I would say, like para said.

PS : Para, is that a demon knight in your avatar ? I played dragon warrior in my past years too on the cpu with an emulator. It was great lol ;)

Yes, demon knight. Dragon Warrior “great”? I imagine I’d go insane if I played it again today — but I didn’t mind killing 6,000 slimes to raise my experience level when I was 8 :) .

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Why the busted capillary hysteria these days, are we having a upswing in male models:confused:


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