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blood vessels in testicles appeared

blood vessels in testicles appeared

I have noticed my testicles were somehow shrinked and cold over the last few days, after detailed examination I took yesterday I saw many cappilars visible more than ever before. I don’t remember I did anything with them, just my regular routine. What could it be?

Would IR heating help? [I didn’t do any IR because of very warm weather theese days]

Pre PE-01/aug/09----6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG

Now ----------------7.5" BPEL, 5.6" EG

Short term goal------8.0" BPEL, 6.0" EG

Talk to your doctor if it doesn’t go away very soon.

I don’t think testicles should be exposed to too high or low temperatures, so avoid the IR lamp on yours.

Many capillars visible don’t sound anything to worry about.

ok. I feel better today, although they still don’t hang as low as they used to. probably some stress or something, I think it will be ok. Somethimes during winter I heated both testicles and shaft and glans with IR, I read some threads about it but I didn’t find some scientific proofs of side effects [exept possibility of becoming sterile :D ]

Pre PE-01/aug/09----6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG

Now ----------------7.5" BPEL, 5.6" EG

Short term goal------8.0" BPEL, 6.0" EG

I avoided IR because of the possible injuries it can cause. Perhaps the stories of PE’ers literally cooking their penise’s are wives tales, but they were enough to scare me. I tried several different ways of heating including clay and heating pads, but eventually I decided to use rice socks.

If you determine your IR lamp actually did cause issues, I suggest you try rice socks. They are really cheap and heat pretty well.

IR heat can kill sperm/sperm production capabilities, so best to avoid that for your balls. Giving them a gentle massage for a few minutes can be helpful, perhaps with some warm water. Also your balls retrating could be a sign of dehydration. Also, you might find that if you do serious, fatiguing exercises on your penis it will turtle and the balls can also turtle in response to what you’re donig to your penis.

dehydration hmm, I doubt it was a cause, but it is warm these days I should intake more water. anyway all blood vessels are still visible, although testicles are not so shrinked and cold

Pre PE-01/aug/09----6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG

Now ----------------7.5" BPEL, 5.6" EG

Short term goal------8.0" BPEL, 6.0" EG

It just sounds wrong to me…. so many guys report little injuries that make no sense. I guess once I get a few injuries myself I’ll be able to help others more. Until then, this stuff remains pretty mysterious to me.

I was thinking that it may be due to overheating with rise sock. It was part of the sock that was touching upper part of the testicles, last night I heated up before my routine work and I have noticed red skin on my left testicle.

Pre PE-01/aug/09----6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG

Now ----------------7.5" BPEL, 5.6" EG

Short term goal------8.0" BPEL, 6.0" EG

It sounds like you may have found the cause.

Originally Posted by Tweaking
IR heat can kill sperm/sperm production capabilities, so best to avoid that for your balls. Giving them a gentle massage for a few minutes can be helpful, perhaps with some warm water. Also your balls retrating could be a sign of dehydration. Also, you might find that if you do serious, fatiguing exercises on your penis it will turtle and the balls can also turtle in response to what you’re donig to your penis.

Do you think the effect is temporarly or it adds to some permanent condition ? I know that heating the testicles, will temporarly decrease sperm production, but do you think it has any implications long term ?

Sometimes I warm up with IR and the heat reaches the testicles if I’m too lazy to use a white cloth on them.

Regarding cooking your penis, I “managed” to get 2 marks of burnt skin. I’ll try to be more careful.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Not 100% sure to be honest, can’t remember if it kills the factory or the soldiers or both. I wouldn’t worry about the rice sock, that type of heat will not penetrate into your testicles with anywhere near the power that IR heat will. What I do, you may wish to try, grab a white long sleeve T-shirt and tie it around your waste with the sleeves so the front part of it covers your balls, might be more convinient. Also you can just cut a piece of white paper into the appropriate shape and put it there.

@ Tweaking :wouldn’t worry about the rice sock, that type of heat will not penetrate into your testicles with anywhere near the power that IR heat will.

well it sound logical but I heated testicles both with shaft during winter and I had no problem whatsoever. but with rise sock, it can be very warm on the skin and a lot of blood vessels on the testicles are just below the skin. anyway I think it was the cause and I will try hiding the testicles as much as I can, although on the upper part of it is hidden shaft which I thing should be heated too.

Pre PE-01/aug/09----6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG

Now ----------------7.5" BPEL, 5.6" EG

Short term goal------8.0" BPEL, 6.0" EG

Well you can still definately burn the skin with a rice sock, but that’s not going to cause any long term problems. On the otherhand, repeated prolonged exposure of the testicles to IR heat could do some damage.

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