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BPEL - Pubic fat pad

BPEL - Pubic fat pad

My measurements are 5.75 NBPEL and 6.75 BPEL and I’m only 21 but there’s a 1 inch difference between bone pressed and non-bone pressed despite only weighing 75kg/165lbs at 5”11. Is that even possible? Granted I have very little fat on my arms/legs and do have a bit of a belly and when I pinch my pubic fat pad there is a decent amount there but a 1 inch difference seems excessive. Do people accumulate fat significantly in different areas? And there’s nothing that I can do to specifically lose fat from that area?

An inch isn’t bad at all. One of the alternatives of “no fat pad” is you get black and blue every time you fuck, and it hurts if she is lacking in a decent fat pad.

Wait until you are older and you are talking about inches (that don’t go away when you loose weight).

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