Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bpfsl to Bpel


Originally Posted by donpatch84
I heard upward stretches were best, but I get such a better stretch with downward stretches.

If I stretch upwards I can’t keep my hand from rolling over the glans, so I’ve mainly been stretching downwards

Stretching above your LOT, according to some, is focusing on your tunica. As a beginner, you should probably start out stretching below your LOT and focusing on your ligs. Some beginners have gotten 1-2” gains just from their ligs (not I). After a few months of downward jelqing/stretching, you may have maxed out your lig gains and then maybe you’ll want to begin focusing on your tunica (upward streches/V & A stretches). Either way, don’t give up on PE after just a month or two. This is a long-term plan, like working out the rest of your body. It may take a few months, a year, or 5 years to reach your goals, but it should be worth it in the end :)

There is also something like a blood-cock and a flesh-cock.

The bloody ones have larger difference in flaccid and erect lengths

Excuse my English !

01-sept-2008 --- NBPEL 6,2" --- EG base 5,15" --- EG mid and top 5,4"

15-okt-2008 --- NBEL 6,4" --- EG base 5,3" --- EG mid 5,25" --- EG top 5,6"

My bpel is bigger than my bpsfl by about .5 - 1 as well. And I’ve gained from 6.75- 7.6 in like 4 months


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