Thunder's Place

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Bpfsl to Bpel


Bpfsl to Bpel

My bpfsl is significantly shorter than my bpel, does that mean it will be harder for me to gain?

I know I should use the search, and I did but I am a writer and definitely not keen on biology, so none of that shit makes sense to me.

Anyone understand the TGC theory that can explain in lamens terms

Ummmmm… I’d say you have to be measuring something wrong. I don’t think it’s possible to have a shorter bpfsl than bpel.

Your bpel proves that your skin/tunica can stretch at least that far.

I’m telling you man my stretched penis is about an inch shorter than my erect length.

I was astounded at the fact the guys could stretch their penises farther than their maxed out erections.

What does this mean?

Now I’m freaking out, ha.

Not really a laughing matter though.

I don’t mean to come off rude or anything, but there’s no way you’re measuring right.

Are you sure you’re not preventing yourself from stretching all the way out because you’ve got the ruler holding the skin back?

I don’t want to sound like an ass, but it’s just not possible that your bpfsl is less than your bpel. WORST case scenario is that your bpfsl is the same as your bpel.

Wait and do a re-measurement. It’s possible that it was just being stingy or not well warmed up. If it is still shorter, do an upward stretch, that usually loosens me up and allows max stretch if it is being stingy. Either way, read all of this Focus Your PE and Gain! TGC Theory

If you have any problems understanding that theory, I’d be glad to explain what I know of it :) Just ask something a little specific.

No offense taken man, I’m just trying to figure this shit out like anyone else.

It’s just when I stretch I feel I’m getting a good stretch, it just looks a hell of a lot shorter than my erect length

Well how do you specifically measure bpfsl?

Maybe try stretching after sex/masturbation? I find I’m usually the most loose then. (puns don’t fail me now!)

I can post a pic of bpfsl measuring if you’d like.

Sure man that would help. I’ve been on the newb routine for month now and hearing all of this made me wanna give up.

I’m definitely a grower.

I just tried to stretch my flaccid but it doesn’t stretch far at all. I’m not dense to the point where I don’t get it, I just don’t understand why this is.

My BPEL is a little under 6.25. When I stretch my flaccid it maxed out at 5”.

And that’s bone pressed.

If I stretch it any farther I’m gonna rip the damn thing off

Try doing a really good 10 min warm-up, the stretch again. But ultimately, I don’t see why this would hinder your gains and ultimately your EL is what it is all about.

I feel you James. This just freaked me out and made think that I wouldn’t gain length because of this.

Well, this isn’t the best shot. Mainly because I’m not 7-3/4” bpfsl :P

But it does show the idea. I usually stretch out before I press the ruler up so that I don’t pull the stretch back to me. I’m leaning forward in the pic, but it should be at the same elevation as your normal BPEL measurements.

Don’t get discouraged in any case. Your bpfsl doesn’t mater that much, except for data purposes (in the case of the TGC Theory). If you’re gaining in BPEL than you’re all good.

This would be a first on me if someone’s bpfsl was less than the bpel, I’ve never heard of that before. Again, it would mean nothing as far as gaining bpel goes, except maybe to tell you what exercises you need to be doing.

Also, in case you were wondering, I’m only 7” bpfsl. Less than a 1/4” more than my BPEL.

Please, no dick pictures in any board section other than Member Pics. Thank you.

Last edited by Lazy Wally : 09-28-2008 at .

I’ve always had rock hard erections as well. PE hasn’t stifled them any, or made them any harder.

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