Why BPEL < BPFSL: One idea
The difference between BPEL and BPFSL has long puzzled me. At one time, hanging helped me to grow my BPFSL to 7.75", even though my BPEL never rose above 7".
This struck me as strange. It just seemed unlikely that the widening effect of the tunica during erection would cause so much retraction. I found that, even with a pretty strong semi, I could still stretch my unit to my full BPFSL. So, what was going on?
Enter this webpage: http://www.impo tence-info.com/ … r/1/cont111.htm
Here, the CC’s are described as like "sponges," opening up and absorbing blood. Their structure consists of smooth muscle, collagen, and elastin. It occurred to me that, of course, these "sponges," like real sponges, are not infinitely expandable; they have a rigid framework beyond which they will not stretch. Try stretching a sponge sometime, if you don’t believe this.
Normally (and many sources confirm this), erection causes the CC’s to expand against the rigid limits imposed by the tunica. But what if the tunica is too long, e.g., from an aggressive hanging regimen? The result, I think, is a foreshortened BPEL.
Looking at this in more detail, the spongy material of the CC’s is composed of "sinusoids," venous spaces that fill with blood during an erection. These sinusoids each have a natural three dimensional shape when the penis is erect, which is reinforced with collagen (read, rigid scaffolding). Their tendency may thus not be to expand to fill any available space, as often believed, but to expand to fill the space defined by their own, individual rigid frameworks, within the overall enclosure.
It’s easy to imagine the sinusoids of a flaccid penis being stretched to much greater lengths than their inflated lengths during an erection. Deflated spheres can be flattened to lengths much greater than their inflated diameters.
Cutting to the chase, BPEL may be shorter than BPFSL because the sinusoids are an important factor in defining the overall inflated length of the penis, not simply the tunica.
Over time, I think that perhaps the shapes of the sinusoids can be changed. They can be encouraged to grow to fill the tunica’s full potential volume. I suspect that jelqing may play an important role in making this happen.
It’s just an idea that’s been banging around for a few weeks.
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Last edited by ModestoMan : 10-30-2005 at .