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My BPFSL is 9.5 inches...a big gap from my BPEL and NBPEL


My BPFSL is 9.5 inches...a big gap from my BPEL and NBPEL

I don’t get bpsfl is growing but its not showing up erect. I’ve had 9.5 for the past 3 months. I first started with a bpfsl of 8 inches. It is such a huge gap from my erect measurements, I’m really puzzled by this. I’m still at 6.75 nbp and 7.25 bp. If I have a 9.5 bpfsl does this mean I can get a penis that long? Is bpfsl really important?

Jesus! That’s a long one! So your erections good and strong? What kind of exercises have you done in your PE career, so to speak?

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

That is a huge / odd difference! I hope that the vet god’s chime in on this one… My BPFSL is approx .25 past that of my BPEL which is approx .25 past that of my NBPEL of 8.25… I will keep an eye like a hawk on this thread for sure…


My BPEL is 7” and my BPSFL is 7.75” so that is only a .75 difference, but yours is huge!

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Crazy shit man. What’s your routine like? Is it gear more towards flaccid or erect work?

My BPSFL is 9 & 1/16”, BPEL is 8.375” and my NBPEL is 7 & 1/16”.

Wow. How hard are your erections?

Whos hobby?

Mike2002: Just a thought but, are you a bit over weight? I know I lost a bit of body fat over the summer and I started to show allot more. If the ruler isn’t sinking into any fat, bone pressed and non bone pressed are only going to differ according to the thickness of fat and skin.

As far as EL and FL I have no ideas. :scratch: Maybe it just needs to catch up?

I hope this didn’t come across as rude, just trying to help.

Base, my erections are fine don’t have any problems with it.

Insane_man, my routine is just manual stretching/dld blasters (done flaccid) and jelqing.

10bnice, I don’t think I’m over weight just have some fat on my belly like most guys do. I’m 24, 5’9 163lbs currently. I have to really press down on my ruler to reach 9.5 until my pubic bone hurts (I do this standing up).

WOW stillwantmore, if I were you I would be dieting. You could gain an easy 1/2 just by losing some fat. You could do this in about 2 months. I could stand to lose a lil too.:D

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

Mike, I have stated before that my theory on gains is that you stretch to gain in FSBPL and use engorgement exercises to catch up with EBPL. I personally have noticed that my flaccid strecth seems to foreshadow my erect gains, and I think that perhaps you should focus more on engorgement exercises, to get the blood flowing through all that extra meat. Also, you mentioned that you do Balsters, perhaps your ligs have stretched out and lost some elasticity, allowing you to pull farther than before. BTW, would you know if your LOT has changed?

Originally posted by Insane_Man

Mike, I have stated before that my theory on gains is that you stretch to gain in FSBPL and use engorgement exercises to catch up with EBPL.

Engorgement exercises are stretching with a semi erection? I do that once in a while, but don’t know if it’s as beneficial as stretching flaccid. Maybe I’ll do it more often to see if I get any changes. My LOT hasn’t changed it’s still at 6. I’ve been stretching upwards this whole time to stretch the tunica.


Have you done any jelqing or girth exercises since your bpfsl has increased?

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