Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big difference in NBPEL and BPEL


Big difference in NBPEL and BPEL


I got a 1.2 inch difference in NBPEL and BPEL.

Actual lengths are 4.5 and 5.7.

Is this common. My waist is around 34. Can this be the reason for this. What are the best exercises to get this 1.2 to my penis?

Mine is the same way. I am also wondering if there is any way to lose the weight around there to get the extra length. I’m 6 without bone press and almost 7 with it. I’m not overweight; I don’t look fat or anything. Any ideas?

Exercise a lot and eat right.

Lose the fatpad.

You cannot spot reduce, so you would have to lose weight all over to lose the fat pad. Unless you wanted to buy yourself some liposuction. Lol

Starting : 03/20/07 7in. BPEL X 5in. EG

06/22/07 7.25in. BPEL X 5.15in. EG

Goal: 8X6

I was thinking about this last week after I heard that Britney Spears got some kind of injections that destroy the fat cells near the injection area. Wouldn’t those same injections work on the fat pad in the pubic area?

Some thin guys have thick fat pads, but in general, the way to lose fat pad is to get lean all over.

I don’t know about the fat dissolving injections, but that sounds interesting. I know docs can do liposuction in the area.

Horny Bastard

I’ve heard of cosmetic surgeons doing liposuction in the “fat pad” area to add length to the cock. I have a 1.25” fat pad but that’s because I’m fat all over. It would be pretty funny if I got the liposuction in my fat pad region and still had a big fat belly hanging over my cocks. It would look silly. I’m going to lose weight and hopefully my fat pad will be reduced. Stay tuned for the results.

Started PE April 25, 2007 -- FL 3.5", SFL 6.5", FG 4", NBPEL 5", BPEL 6.25", EG 5"

June 25, 2007 -- FL 4", SFL 7", FG 4.5", NBPEL 5.5", BPEL 6.938, EG 5"

Ultimate Goals -- FL 5.5" BPEL 8" EG 6.25"

Even if you burn down your fat pad you are not ever going to get the inch and a half or whatever you have in total. I am near bodybuilder lean and I still have between 1/4” and 1/2” fat pad.

Originally Posted by Bubs

You cannot spot reduce, so you would have to lose weight all over to lose the fat pad. Unless you wanted to buy yourself some liposuction. Lol

I know you can’t spot reduce the fatpad. I said that as an answer to the problem and not the way to get to that answer.

Originally Posted by lawyerssuck
I’ve heard of cosmetic surgeons doing liposuction in the “fat pad” area to add length to the cock. I have a 1.25” fat pad but that’s because I’m fat all over. It would be pretty funny if I got the liposuction in my fat pad region and still had a big fat belly hanging over my cocks. It would look silly. I’m going to lose weight and hopefully my fat pad will be reduced. Stay tuned for the results.

Yeah, that might look funny to be fat and have a lipo-sucked 0” fat pad. But mainly I wanted to say “Great Moniker”! Lawyers do suck!

Good luck with the weight loss. :)

My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

They say for every 30-35 pounds lost you gain about an inch. The rectus abdominals goes down to the pubic bone and c onects there, so crunches may help. But cardio is the best all around deal and a good diet high in protein and low in saturated fat and perhaps a bit lower in carbs as well.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I don’t know. I’ve been down to about 10% body fat before and I still had a fat pad that accounted for about 3/4” to 1”. But, maybe I just have a naturally fat fat pad. I’ll have to see this next time around when I drop my body fat percentage down.

Originally Posted by andgrowing
I don’t know. I’ve been down to about 10% body fat before and I still had a fat pad that accounted for about 3/4” to 1”. But, maybe I just have a naturally fat fat pad. I’ll have to see this next time around when I drop my body fat percentage down.

Is that a fat fat pad, what is your body fat percentage now?
Fat pad gets bigger as you get older this accounts for seemingly loss of size. I do believe this is preventable with a good aerobics program along with lifting weights and perhaps staying away from alcohol which is estrogenic in nature and may in itself lend to thicker fat pads. It’s a theory.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Physical exercise and proper nutrition. And you’ll be all very proud of your whole body, not only the fat pad.

Anyway a fat pad of 0.4” or so is a constant, you can’t drop it.

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