Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

To moderate-large gainers - How many can see a big difference now?


To moderate-large gainers - How many can see a big difference now?

Hi guys! I’ve been visiting Thundersplace for many years now (and i love this place) and I’ve been inconsistant with my PE (going hard for a few months and thinking “oh that’s enough”, then coming back to read about people’s successes and doing another solid 4-6 months) but have had consistant gains when I’ve been actively PEing.

I guess I should quickly post my stats here to put things in perspective:

Start: 6.5 BPEL, 6.25 NBPEL, 5.25 EG (at a bony 110 pounds (50kg) at 5’11”)

Now: 7.875 (Stupid 1/8 inch!! hence why I’m keen again) BPEL, 7.33 NBPEL, 5.75 EG (at a healthier 150 pounds, still trying to bulk up ;) )

Now the other day I was making lunch and spotted the cucumber I was going to cut up, and thought “that’d be a great size!” so I grabbed my tape measure (never far away :P ), it’s 7 inches! HUH? I couldn’t believe how huge it looked for “only” 7 inches, and I thought there’s no way I could be more than 7. So during my awesome girth session yesterday starting with edging, I had a HUGE erection and thought I’d get a great measure this time for sure, so I grab my tape, stand up and pop it right on top straight down the middle of my shaft… 7.5 NBPEL! You’re kidding?! I look at the measuring tape on it’s own, 7.5 looks huge! I look down at my guy, hard as a rock, veins all over the place (I have rediculous vascularity now) and grudgingly accept that it looks okay..but still not that big.

So what was the point of this post? I have no idea really, and apologise if it’s a waste of space, but I found it to be quite interesting how I viewed my own penis. I don’t think anyone here on this site would dispute that 7.5 NBP is anything other than “big”, I’ve seen other guys measured pics around the same length and they looked massive! But i just can’t seem to accept it myself, strange huh? So I’d thought I ask if anyone else had some stories similar (spotting something that looks big, fruit, dildo, shaving can etc and it turned out it was a similar size to yourself).

I also just wanted to put my stats and gains up and say a big hello to everyone here, since i’ve never posted before today but have been around for ages and ages ;)

Started at the same length and a bit chubbier than you, I am now 7.5”s in length and a bit more than your girth. I was a very slow gainer and for the life of me it doesn’t look like me penis has changed size at all.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Nice post. Looking forward to your next one in 2010. :)

Originally Posted by gprent
Nice post. Looking forward to your next one in 2010. :)


It is rather weird the way we view ourselves I guess

I’m posting again just you spite you gprent ;)

The question is, will my 8.5 nbpel still look the same to me in 2010 :P

I’ve noticed the same thing. When looking at a measurement on a ruler it looks a lot bigger than when you see your penis at that length.

March 2006: 6.875" x 4.500" x 5.00" (BPEL x MLG x BG)

April 2007-.: 7.81" x 4.81" x 5.1" - 'And it just keeps getting bigger!'

I will have..: 8.500" x 5.750" x 6.00" My Pics My Progress

All I can say is I have measured cucumbers with similar surprising results. The cuce looks very large compared to my perception of myself, even when it’s dimensions are about the same. Hmmm. Maybe if my cock was green…?

Originally Posted by gprent
Nice post. Looking forward to your next one in 2010. :)

I’ll be there!

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

0-5 inchs - Small?

5.5 - 6.5 - Normal?

7 - 8.5 - Big?

9+ - Huge?

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

I think I actually can SEE a difference. I can definately FEEL the difference, because I remember what my dick felt like 3 years ago :) .

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Originally Posted by Macros

I look at the measuring tape on it’s own, 7.5 looks huge! I look down at my guy, hard as a rock, veins all over the place (I have rediculous vascularity now) and grudgingly accept that it looks okay..but still not that big.

Macros, what PE exercises helped you get all of that new vascularity?

Only 9” is big. Anything less is small.

Fuel2000: Really? Then what is Normal to you and what is huge?

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

I’m not trying to discourage anyone here. I know alot of members have 8” as an ultimate goal but I personally don’t find it that big. When I look at my self in the mirror I always get that feeling inside that it’s not big but it would look big if it was 9”. Believe me, my perspective won’t change even if miss universe goes ” Darling.. You’re fine! “

It’s a good thing though so I can keep on going untill my dick looks like an elephant trunk :D

Originally Posted by Macros
Now the other day I was making lunch and spotted the cucumber I was going to cut up, and thought “that’d be a great size!” so I grabbed my tape measure (never far away :P ), it’s 7 inches! HUH? I couldn’t believe how huge it looked for “only” 7 inches, and I thought there’s no way I could be more than 7. So during my awesome girth session yesterday starting with edging, I had a HUGE erection and thought I’d get a great measure this time for sure, so I grab my tape, stand up and pop it right on top straight down the middle of my shaft… 7.5 NBPEL! You’re kidding?! I look at the measuring tape on it’s own, 7.5 looks huge! I look down at my guy, hard as a rock, veins all over the place (I have rediculous vascularity now) and grudgingly accept that it looks okay..but still not that big.

Yeah totally!

It’s gotta be the girth of the cucumber that looks so massive. I was looking at stuff in my bathroom to get an “ideal size” to work from, and I picked up a can of hairspray and measured it. To my surprise it was only about 1/2” longer than my dick, but the girth was about 2” bigger (almost 7”).

Like my dick is the biggest it’s ever been right now at 7 1/2” BPEL, yet it looks practically identical to me as it did at 5 1/2” BPEL. I have a photograph from December where i’m strong kegelling at a full erection and just touching 6 3/4” BPEL on the tape, and a photo from a few weeks ago where I’m touching 7 1/4” - when I see that, it’s like woah! I *have* actually gained! OMG! etc… I’m working up the courage to post the pics in the pictures section. It ain’t easy though… :(

Then I think “maybe my glans was just more inflated this time” but you can clearly see my glans beginning about 1/2” higher than it did on the December pic. It’s amazing to see this shit, I’d highly reccommend taking photographic evidence along the way, it’s pretty mindblowing.

And yeah, when I look at a 6 inch ruler I sometimes think “that’s definitely longer than my dick!” Then I hold it next to my dick and my dick is clearly bigger. It’s lame.

Anyway, welcome to the forum man!

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

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