Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

To moderate-large gainers - How many can see a big difference now?


Self image is a vague realm at best . Look at all the people who suffer , and even die with anorexia , they weigh seventy five pounds , and are close to death , but they look in a mirror , and see themselves as fat . There is the more recently named condition of body dis-morphia , where very large , muscular body builders see themselves as still small and thin , and take more drugs to get big . The mind is a very powerful thing , and it is hard to overcome self image when it is negative . I think that positive affirmations can help , visualizations , things like that . I suppose we are all prisoners in our own minds , and slaves to our own beliefs .

My dick looked much larger to me (specifically, longer) even after my first half-inch gain.

Originally Posted by WannaB9x7
Macros, what PE exercises helped you get all of that new vascularity?

Hey mate, sorry I was slow getting to this. I’ve always had a reasonable amount of vascularity, but I think after I started on the more intense girth work (ulis, erect bends and other constriction exercises) it was really brought out alot more. I know women often say it’s not really something they like, but I personally love the look ;) looks so mean, and with a cock ring on it’s just insane :D

No matter how long your penis is you will always want another inch and that extra inch you don’t have right now will make you feel small, and I tend to compare myself to other dicks( porn, Members here, etc.) and many members here have been at it for a while or were just born with great dicks so, until our dicks are too big for sex we will probably see it as something to improve. Here is a though have you measured a baseball bat? Some members here have measurements that match or surpass.


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