Mike, what kind of grip are you using to do your stretches?
I noticed the same thing for the first three months after I started tunica stretching, although not quite to the extreme disparities as you’ve reported. My BPFSL went up 3/4”, but my BPEL stayed pretty much the same.
Bib and others recommended behind the balls jelqing, which I did, but to no avail. Then it hit me. I had not been paying attention to how I was taking my overhand grip, and when I did I discovered I was pretty much just pulling my glans and upper shaft skin.
The glans/cs is connected to the two cc erectile chambers, and I think it is this connective tissue that I had been stretching with my grip. It makes sense. BPFSL would go up, but during an erection, there is no way blood pressure can force the glans any higher than it normally sits. I can stretch it forward, but that’s not much good during penetration.
I revamped my grip to make SURE I was gripping the tunica encased CCs, and immediately noticed a complete change in where the stretch was felt. I’ve only been at it for a bit, so I haven’t measured yet, but indicators seem to show my BPEL is increasing.
You might give that a try…
Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.