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Bulging Vein

Bulging Vein

I did the “newbie routine” for about 2weeks on & I have an unusually large vein running along the right side of my piece? There’s been no pain related to it.I am just curious whether this should be a cause for concern?

Anybody willing to shed some light on this situation?

Would be much appreciated..

Also my bad if this is a common subject, did use tha search & aint really find much

Yeah I also got this - it’s completely normal (I’m assuming) as you are forcing blood into the vein which in effect would widen it (similar to weight lifting - often bodybuilders are very vascular for this reason). I just see it as progress

Current Stats: 7.0 BPEL 6.5 EL 5.5 base girth 5.5 mid girth 5.0 below glans

Goal: 7.5 BPEL 7.0 EL 6 EG

Struggler, don’t worry about it bro. Increased vascularity is a common effect of PE, and among the first signs of progress.

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:

Welcome to Thunders! :)

Yeah, mostly likely the vein was there beforehand and you weren’t aware of it. As well as what Chicken said, after a few works of spending so much time with your penis, you’ll also start to notice a lot more details.

If the search isn’t working for you, try the advanced search and use the ‘search for titles’ mode, that usually gives much better results.

Thanx for the reassurance peoples

However, is there a reason why it has only occurred on the right side?

@Tweaking, I was aware of it before, but it wasn’t so visibly prominent

I have one as well. Always been there even before jelqing. Unusually large. Looks like it goes from the right side to underneath at the top.

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