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Can I wear a rubberband as a cock ring


Can I wear a rubberband as a cock ring

Can I use a rubber band as a cock ring? I would be wearing it for around an hour and a half at a time. Could I wear it longer then that and still be safe? Also what benefits come with using a cock ring? Thanks

Rubber bands are fine if you chose the right one. It should not be too small in diameter to make it too tight and it should not be too thin which would make it dig in and pinch off blood flow.

I use a rubber band that is 1 1/4 inch in diameter and 1/2 inch wide that is just perfect. It was not easy to find this size though. I found it in the grocery store produce section where it is used to bundle three broccoli stalks together. I like broccoli, so it works out well!

It was not easy to find this size though. I found it in the grocery store produce section where it is used to bundle three broccoli stalks together. I like broccoli, so it works out well!

I love this…..

Any good posts on cock rings (had a quick look and couldn’t find much) or any cock ring guru’s about.

I want to know if I should wear the cock and scrotum variety or just round the cock?


Feb 2003: 7" BPEL x 5" EG. June 2006: 9" BPEL x 6.5" EG

(6" base girth)

Dude, a rubberband? It’s your cock you’re talking about…

Spend the $5 and buy a real cockring at the local sex shop. Or you can buy online if you’re shy about buying it. I even see them on ebay once in while.

Which is the reasons for using a cock ring?
When to use / how much time per day? In flaccid state?



Originally Posted by bombazine
Any good posts on cock rings (had a quick look and couldn’t find much) or any cock ring guru’s about.

Everything you wanted to know about cock rings by J Meister:

The Wonderful World of Cock Rings

How long is ideal for leaving it on?

Thanks gprent101!

Feb 2003: 7" BPEL x 5" EG. June 2006: 9" BPEL x 6.5" EG

(6" base girth)

Try the super stretchy cock rings, they won’t’ be too tight and will expand when you need them too, like when you’re having a super hard erection or have to cum or gaining in girth from pe. You shouldn’t wear them for longer than a half hour because they cut off blood flow.

I tried this but I would never do it again. Because the rubber band I was using kind of cut into the skin and left a ring shaped bruise for about a week.

The best bet for this type activity is good old scotch tape, thats right, scotch tape. Loosely wrap it around the cock and balls, two wraps work nicely. The objective in these situations is to improve the appearance of the package, it also allows the penis to engorge at a slower rate and therefore improves the ultimate girth. Its a nice little trick to use in strip clubs with a nice set of jeans, the gals love looking at the bulge. I had a stripper once that would not leave me alone, she would ask, “how big are you?” I would say, “its good size,” she would come back and say, “but how big is it?” I do love a gal that can concentrate on her work.

I would agree that the stretchy cock ring is best for us beginners. I have used the silicone cock rings now for about two months during some of my PE exercises. This type, at least the ones I have, is made to wear only around the shaft of the cock and it is very effective for me. I like how it feels and it definitely helps to keep more blood in the shaft during the exercises. I have not tried to use it during sex as of yet though but after doing some reading here I think I will try this tonight. One possible problem I see though may be not being able to keep it from working off my shaft during sex. When I use it now I have to keep a finger or two on it because during the exercises it wants to move up the shaft as I stroke myself. Have any of you had this problem and if so how did you correct it?

I have ED and I need to use constriction in order to generate and maintain an erection when I am not injecting Trimix. I have had good success with a 1/2 inch rubber band doubled over and placed around my whole unit (behind the balls). Requires lube to slip it on without pinching the skin and removing it.

I have achieved best results with an Osbon tension band by Erecaid. Again, lub is necessary to slip it on and off.

All tight constriction devices need to be removed after 20 minutes to avoid damage.

Best to start with a stretchy ring to get your dick properly conditioned to tolerate tight constriction.

Damn bro this thread was dead for four years, zombie apocalypse on the way.

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

It was a link in another more current thread and I did not realize I was responding in the link instead of the current thread. I tried to delete it but it was too late.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

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