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How do you wear a cock ring

How do you wear a cock ring

Is a cock ring supposed to be worn just around the base of the shaft, or uderneath the balls and at the base of the shaft? Could someone post a picture of the correct way to wear a cock ring please?

Either way, I prefer a smaller ring just for the shaft though. I don’t like to constrict any circulation in my balls.

Could be worn both ways

try them both separate or together see what you like

I bought two o-rings at a hardware store. It feels like the smaller one around just the shaft works and feels better. I will continue to try out both though.


Just remember the 30 minute rule with a shaft-only ring around an erection. You need to take it off after 30 minutes to allow newly oxygenated blood in. After a couple minutes you can put it back on and resume whatever.



How long can you where it when not erect?

All day, if you want, so long as it doesn’t put a strangle-hold on you and allows constant circulation.

A shaft-only ring should not be worn during sleep. Because of the nocturnal erection cycle and you being unconscious, you’d have no way of timing the event and could experience oxygen starvation of your penile tissue. You don’t want that.




I wear the jelly super stretch ring(s) a couple days a week for a few hours maybe 20-45 minutes at a time to keep full engorgement. I have noticed though over last several times it takes 2 and doubling them up to keep the penis full and fully engorged. Also I have less feeling in the penis after, sometimes days, wearing these. My penis is almost adapting too quickly so I have to do more to keep the look and feel I like. It seems to me that I have lost a little length sense I started.any suggestions on how to get the length back? Should I do a mini routine after wearing to keep ligs from tightening etc?

Thanks for any advice.starting to worry about the 3rd leg :)

Hmm what are the benefits of wearing a cockring? I can understand you get a fuller flaccid temporarily but there can’t be any gains from it can there?

Start around 2006-03 -- BPEL: 6.2" EG: 4.8"

Current 2008-04-27 ---- BPEL: 7.4" EG: 5.2" BaseGirth:6.1"

Later ------------------ BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.9" :spin:

I don’t wear the cock ring in an effort to get gains, although I would not complain if I did through wearing it. I wear mine during some of my PE because it gives me such an added feel of pleasure as I stroke. I think it also helps with using it during my girth exercises as it keep my dick fuller without needing to have a full erection on. And with a fuller shaft I can feel the blood being pushed out to the sides and to the head as I stroke. I would not want to have to do some of these exercises without it. I know I can use my other hand instead of the cock ring but that takes up too much room as my cock is only large enough for one hand not both.

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