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Need some veterans advice with regards to jelqing with a cock ring???

Need some veterans advice with regards to jelqing with a cock ring???

Hi guys,

I’m just wondering if any of you’s have noticed better results by doing your PE with a cock ring on, more less in regards to jelqing…the reason why I ask is because with a cock ring the blood sort of stays trapped inside and you usually will be semi or almost fully erected from it, I was wondering since the blood is filled up in the corpus cornerva (sorry about the spelling) and the other chambers in the penis, if that would contribute to better “ERECT” gains and faster gains by doing jelqs with a cock ring on…I know some may say it’s dangerous but I’m sure some of you’s have done it or tried it, any feedback would be greatly appreciated from those who have tried this, thanks!


I have tried it before and I don’t recommend it. However, I do recommend wearing a cock ring post-workout for maintaining engorgement.

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."

cock ring and PE...


I’m just wonderng if anyone has ever jelqed with an erection with a cock ring on or something to keep the blood trapped….wouldn’t it make more sence to do that if you want to achieve a larger penis…when I jelq I use manual and the PJ device…I”ve tried both with a cock ring on and it doesn’t bother me a bit, but it feels as though I get a better PE workout when wearing it. I’m just wondering if anyone has used a cock ring in there routine and have found the gains to come faster and better?


This thread is a perfect example of why veterans often get frustrated with newbies. You asked about jelquing with a cock ring. Being short on time, I gave you a brief answer stating my opinion and experience. You basically ignored my response and asked your question again, apparently because I didn’t give you the answer you wanted to hear. My response, that you seemed to discount or ignore, happens to be from what most long-time readers of this forum would consider the preeminent authority on cock rings. Had you done a search, as WestLA so tirelessly recommends, or even looked at some of the related links shown at the bottom of this page, you would find that there is a treasure trove of information and discussion on this or any other PE topic. Here are some threads that I have authored on the subject that provide way more details than I was able to give to you the other day:

The Wonderful World of Cock Rings

Cock Ring Shock Routine

Triple/Double Cock Rings Setup

The Holy Grail of Cock Rings

Read, read, read, do some searches, try different techniques, read some more, post your experiences. That’s how newbies become veterans.

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."

Hey, I am new to this forum, so please bear with me for a little while.

A few weeks ago I stumbled into this forum and managed to read a forum about the Blakoe Ring / Ball Zinger. However, I have not been able to find it again. Can anyone help me?


I’ve tried jelking with a cock ring on but found it very awkward. I use long strokes starting at the very base of the shaft. The ring just interferred. I often vacuum pump with a ring on and that works well.

If you use a ring just remember to take it off after a half hour to allow newly oxygenated blood in if you have been pretty much erect during that time period. Longer and you risk tissue damage.



If you are going to use a ring during jelqing, I would suggest wearing one that is one size bigger than your usual ring. In other words, if you use a 1.75 inch ring during sex, wear a 1.85 or 2 inch ring for jelqing. You will get the benefits of the ring without the overwhelming erection that a tighter ring gives.

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