Thunder's Place

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The Holy Grail of Cock Rings


The Holy Grail of Cock Rings

This is another old post of mine from PE Forums that I wanted to share with the Thundersplace community:

As regular readers of this forum know, I have been on a long journey in search of
the Holy Grail of Cock Rings.

http://www.pefo … =&threadid=2906

As documented in the above thread, I have tested and experimented with many
styles of cock rings. As a result, I have developed what I call "The Four C’s of
Cock Ring Criteria"

1. Cost—Is the cock ring reasonably priced, not only for what your’re getting but
accessible to the most modest budgets?

2. Circumference—Is the cock ring the correct circumference for your individual
package? For rigid cock rings, it must be tight enough, but not too tight.

3. Comfort—Is the cock ring comfortable to wear and comfortable for long-term
wear? Is it comfortable while seated, standing or reclining?

4. Concealability—Does the cock ring remain reasonably well hidden while wearing
normal street clothes and even just underwear? Is it relatively "fuss-free"?

In my opinion, after my long journey in quest of the Holy Grail of Cock Rings, the
cock ring that best meets the "4 C’s of Cock Ring Criteria" is the rigid rubber cock
ring. This cock ring comes in three styles at my local sex novelties shop—regular,
heavy duty and "doughnut" style with the round rubber stock increasing in
diameter progressively. These come sized in 1/4" increments starting at 1 1/4"
inside diameter. I wear size 1 3/4" around both dick and balls. The heavy duty
rubber ring is slightly smaller (diameter of the rubber stock forming the ring) than
the "Alchemy" ring that SWM and others have mentioned recently and the
"doughnut" style rubber ring is slightly larger than the "Alchemy" ring.

Why do I like rigid rubber cock rings?
1. Same qualities of metal cock rings but more comfortable because they can
"flex" slightly to conform to your body.

2. More "grippy" than metal rings and are less likely to slip off in an inoportune
moment and embarrass you. They stay on, especially the rings made of larger
diameter rubber stock.

3. Inexpensive, around $5 or less.

4. Can be worn for long periods of time after you get used to them.

5. Noncompressing, a properly fitted rubber ring does not cut off circulation like a
stretchy rubber ring can.

6. Nonembarrasing, can pass through airport and event security metal detectors
without any embarrassing hassles and explanations. If by chance it does slip off,
it does not make any noise when it hits the floor.

My second favorite ring is the Alchemy ring. The Large size is slightly smaller than
1 3/4" inside diameter and is a little tighter and a little less comfortable for me
due to its tightness and inherent rigidity.

Hope this is of some help to some of you. Based on a quick Internet search, rigid
rubber cock rings are a little harder to find than other styles of rings on the
Internet. Someone mentioned that these rings are actually vacuum cleaner drive
belts; however, I haven’t had time to check that theory out. If you can find them
locally, that’s the best way because you can see what you’re getting.

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."

J Meister,

You weren’t joking about the “rigid rubber cock rings” being harder to find. The closest I’ve come is a thin “firm” rubber cock ring I found locally. Do you know of anywhere online that I can find the thick rigid rings? I frequent JT’s but, was unable to find them there. Thanks.


Hmm. I’m not really interested in a thong. Just a “rigid rubber cock ring”.



Last time I checked, JT’s Stockroom, The Stockroom | BDSM Gear, Sex Toys & Fetish Wear , did carry a few rigid rubber cock rings in the basic sizes. Mr B’s over in Europe also used to carry some rigid rubber cock rings, as well as steel cock rings in millimeter increments. Check out their website.

Unfortunately for you, my local sex novelties shop has the best selection of rigid rubber, neoprene, and metal cock rings that that I’ve seen anywhere. My local shop does not have a website. I don’t know if they do mail orders.

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."

I never seen the rigid rubber type you describe at the stockroom either, I’m just curious what they look like.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

GO to a auto supply store and purchase a rubber o-ring they come in different diameters and thickness.

Hey what about leather straps? I always carry one in my keyring and think they work the best and they look sexy too. Adjustable, quick release, and wide enough not to cut into the flesh.

Originally Posted by brian2034
GO to a auto supply store and purchase a rubber o-ring they come in different diameters and thickness.

That’s crafty but those o-rings may have phthalates and god-knows-what-else in them.

But I’ve never seen an o-ring that was as thick as a solid rubber cock ring. O-rings that thick lose functionality where another type of seal would work better.

I’ve seen solid rubber cock rings of all sizes at my local sex shop. Now that my interest has been piqued, I may get some.

Originally Posted by mentula
Hey what about leather straps? I always carry one in my keyring and think they work the best and they look sexy too. Adjustable, quick release, and wide enough not to cut into the flesh.

I forgot to ask about this.

Does your secure with a snap button or some sort of “buckle?”

Usually leather straps have 3-4 buttons to snap at different circumferences. The best are made of semisoft leather and the only problem is that after months or years of usage the leather start falling apart while rubber rings may last forever.

But I like the leather ones because of the quick release feature and because they are wider and I hate the feeling of something cutting into my flesh.

Amen to the leather cockrings. Been a personal favorite of mine for years.

Guy’s the best cock ring I ever found is the one I am currently using. It is a Nike wrist band. I brought it from models for about 4 bucks for a two pack. I wear one wrist band that I fold in half. I place it behind my penis and testes up against my pubic bone. I just add some talc powder on my skin so I don’t get heat rash. I have to say it works really well. I usually wear it for three days in a row non stop then take a half day off. It is undectable and is so comfortable that most of the times I forget I have it on. It worked as a passive ADS also. I have gained 1/16 - 1/8 of an inch just from wearing it alone with no other form of PE in six months. My PI’s are also way up. I hope you guys try it. The wrist band really works so well.

What is the longest one can wear a cock ring before any issues happen? I’m not talking about wearing a cock ring for PE, but just maybe after a pumping session or before a date you do a pumping session or a jelqing session, put the CR on, and then we your about to get down to it, you can slip the ring off and your women will be amazed by how fat your dick is.


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