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Canning tongs for comfort, OK grip for pressure - which one?

Canning tongs for comfort, OK grip for pressure - which one?

When I jelq, I use one of two methods:

1. The OK grip detailed in the newbie routine, or
2. Canning tongs.

Either way, I use coconut oil for lubrication and it works well. When I use the OK grip I feel more pressure as I go through the stroke, and it makes me feel like I’m getting a better workout. However, when I use the OK grip it is not comfortable for me to go through the stroke; I need to either hold the skin taut at the base with my other hand, resulting in uncomfortable friction during the stroke, or move the skin of the shaft with the OK grip which feels too much like stretching the skin. When I use the canning tongs, I cannot apply pressure all around the shaft like I can with the OK grip, and as a result it feels less satisfying and challenging. But perhaps because the surface of the canning tongs is smoother than my own skin, I do not get the same skin stretching problem when I use them and therefore the tongs are more comfortable.

My question is this: should I pick the comfort of the canning tongs and avoid stretching the skin? Or should I do the OK grip for the increased pressure and try to figure out a way to avoid my workout stretching the skin too much?

I am circumcised with medium tightness, in case this factors into anybody’s answers.

Since you already have the tongs, you should consider getting the pipe foam to go over the part of the tongs that jelqs for you. Someone posted about it being really good manual jelqs alternative. What brand of tongs do you have? I hear some give easy when jelqing.

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

I don’t know the brand of tongs, since they came with a canning set and the packaging has long since disappeared. I do know they are green and black, but that’s it.

In my original post, I wrote that I think the tugging on the skin is due to the roughness of my hands versus the smoothness of the tongs that allows them to glide right over. With that in mind, I wouldn’t want to attach foam since it could make the surface rough to the point where it would tug on the skin just like my OK grip. Maybe I have an unusually useful set of tongs! They are also sturdy, and I don’t imagine they will give.

Should I take your response to mean that you consider tongs superior in general, as long as they seem to be working well?

Any other takers on this question?

9/10/2014: 6.00 BPEL x 4.5 EG

10/2/2014 6.25 BPEL x 4.75 EG

Goal: 7.50 BPEL x 6 EG by 5/2015- Can he make it?

I would go with the hands. Our hands are really an engineering masterpiece of nature, there isn’t any device that can go close to them. I would avoid the OK grip, don’t completely close your fingers around the penis, leave the uretrhal channel free. See if that helps.

Should I try to hold the skin taut at the base to prevent stretching the skin too much? I’ve read about the phenomenon of turkey neck on these forums and I want to avoid it if possible. But that having been said, it’s pretty uncomfortable for me to hold the skin taut at the base.

9/10/2014: 6.00 BPEL x 4.5 EG

10/2/2014 6.25 BPEL x 4.75 EG

Goal: 7.50 BPEL x 6 EG by 5/2015- Can he make it?

See, my main concern is that the skin stretches when I use my hands, but doesn’t when I use the tongs. Changing the grip so as to avoid the urethra doesn’t address the specific problem I’m having.

9/10/2014: 6.00 BPEL x 4.5 EG

10/2/2014 6.25 BPEL x 4.75 EG

Goal: 7.50 BPEL x 6 EG by 5/2015- Can he make it?

You have to refine your technique and understand how the jelqs effectively works. Do this way: place your hand and about 2” from the base of the penis: move your hand toward your pubic bone, pulling that 2” of the skin back; than tigthen the grip and start the milking phase.

It is strange that you say dry jelqs feel like stretch on the skin, dry jelqs don’t stretch the skin at all since the skin moves with the hand, working like a lubricant.

Ok, solution for now is to use an overhand OK grip. I can grasp much further down the base on the underside, which makes the skin stretch worth it. Had a good workout tonight!

9/10/2014: 6.00 BPEL x 4.5 EG

10/2/2014 6.25 BPEL x 4.75 EG

Goal: 7.50 BPEL x 6 EG by 5/2015- Can he make it?

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