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Can't do stretches w/o getting an erection; also, penis sensitivity

Can't do stretches w/o getting an erection; also, penis sensitivity

I can’t do stretches (starting off with the 30 second regular stretches) without getting an erection, which dies down a little bit after I stop the stretch. Any tips on dealing with this?

Also, doing these exercises (especially the stretches) really puts a lot of strain on the head of my penis, obviously. Is there any risk to anything like losing sensitivity because of this?

Perhaps you should jerk off before you begin, wait tell recovery period is over then proceed. Don’t pull from the head but above it, don’t pull so hard at firs. Be patient and good luck.

There is no way but to wait until your erection dies down. As time passes by, your penis will become less sensitive therefore getting erections while doing this exercise will be less and less. There should be no loss of sensitivity. When you are stretching, I read somewhere you should hold 1 inch below the gland.

I get that problem almost every time I take a break and come back to PE. The solution is always the same. Just continue to stretch for a couple of days and your dick will adapt to being flaccid while stretching. Longer sessions will speed up the adaption process.

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Hey thanks for the tips, Dicko. This one has always been a hinderance for me. Might give it another try now.

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

The issues of how flaccid a penis should be while being stretched is a little tricky.: Everybody has their various views. Here is my view.

(i) You may pull on a totally flaccid penis only to a ‘super maximum’ of 85% of its full-stretched –capacity.This is warm-up.

(ii) At full stretch there is a moderate need for a filling up of the CCs so that the clamp effect of your grip is counter balanced by the pressure found in a blood-carrying CC. By so doing your penis tissues is protected from the mangling strains capable of being inflicted on a totally flaccid penis without the cushioning effect of a slightly plumped CC. So the idea is to get the pressure in the CCs and the pressure of your grip to Zero out each other thereby, reducing pressure on the point of the grip by distributing the pressure along the CC chambers.

(iii) Pulling on an erection is asking for an injury so know the limits. The idea is to tilt the scale a bit. If we all agree that one must achieve plasticity for growth. We must also prepare for a regular gripping of the penis above the gland. Gripping an inch above the head of a totally flaccid penis may be considered as harmful. Most times the extent of force being generated from the tension is being transmitted to the very nearby gland. However, with a cushion, the story quite different.

I guess its yours to make your choice after a test.



Last edited by Infinity_06 : 01-26-2007 at .

.Wait, so where should I be grabbing my dick when stretching?

Originally Posted by Fat-Elvis
Any tips on dealing with this?

I had the same problem.

Here’s your solution: jelq first, then stretch.

Worked for me.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

I do sometimes have a hard time to stretch because of becoming semi; especially when I use PE aids. I’ve before pulled from the base, but that just makes me balloon up more when I pull. All I do is the simplest way, and that is by just crossing my legs over (the girl way) and wait.

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