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Erection Problemm,Please help,my penis hates me

Erection Problemm,Please help,my penis hates me


I’ve just restarted the newbie routine with maybe about 2 minutes stretching only but I find
That my erections are just none existent

When I try to get myself up I can’t, I probably stay at about 10% erect and when about
To ejaculate I reach about 30% and then blow but it is really quite annoying and depressing
Cause I can’t seem to get fully hard no matter how hard I try, has my penis lost intrest in righty?
Any idea’s why this would be happening? Should I just take a week or two off and come back
Into it slowly

Just seems like I’m destined not to do P.E :( ):( :(

And one more thing could fowfers have a negative effect when sleeping by cutting off circulation instead
Of holding the stretch because I do these every night in bed, should I stop?

Are kegels a must for strong erections?

Any help will be greatly appreciated ^_^

Your erections are non existant because you are overtraining this will make penis growth and gains harder to come by. This has happended to me a couple times in PE. When you do PE all day or you do too much your dick will turtle a lot more and I don’t think this is good. Another sign you are overtraining is if you can’t get a erection. Maybe try jelqing for like 10-15 mins a day for the next few days for one time only each day and throw in about 150 kegels all together (maybe do some light manual stretching) and that is all for a day and then when your erections are stronger and back you can up the intensity but it’s weird because you have conditioned your dick to take more abuse/intensity but you still need to condition more and you don’t want to step over the line and get your dick to turtle after a session. After a session your dick should be hanging flaccid plump and hot feeling from jelqing. Hope some of this helps. Remember rest is key, try to feel your own dick out yourself, put a lot of thought into how to make this thing grow, study lots of threads here at Thunders, etc. I know you can do it, if you really want this, you just have to give it your all, and read and try as much as you can little by little over time until you get your game on so to speak….

Thanks for the help Love Machine think I will just wait a week till erections are

Back to normal and then get back into it very very slowly and cautiously,

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