Thunder's Place

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Chance of PE related ED

Chance of PE related ED

During my research on PE, on internet forums and other sites such as reddit, I found several stories where users began a regimen only to find weeks or months later that they could no longer achieve and or maintain an erection. Some of these users had stories where they would then seek out the help of a doctor, and describe the sorts of exercises they were doing to their penis. In these stories the doctors would often comment how these exercises specifically could permanently damage the penis. To my knowledge, many of these stories do not end well with the user reporting life long ED as a result.

If the user takes the proper precautions and follows the suggested guides here on Thunders place, is it safe to practice? Lastly how frequent of an occurrence is permanent ED from PE? If the penis is damaged from PE can it be reversed?


This is why we recommend the newbie routines to begin. Not only do they condition the penis for stricter regiments down the road, they also help you to learn your PI’s and what your own penis can withstand.

We mention over and over to listen to your penis. If you feel any discomfort, STOP! If you can’t gain an erection the next day after a routine, then take a week off. 99.9% of injuries in PE are because guys did too much too fast and weren’t conditioned properly.

If you read my thread, I’ve gained great. But, I’ve taken it very slow with little intensity and I take plenty of rest. I do mainly 30% or less erection routines (except clamping). I’ve been going for almost 4 months, so I don’t have much experience. But, I’ve yet to receive an injury. Very little discomfort ever in my routines. But, if I’m sore, or a weaker hang than typical, I take 2-3 days off. I’ve taken 5 days off before.

If you perform PE properly, wisely, and disciplined then the results are real and you will nearly dissipate the risk of injury. Many PE related ED symptoms are easily reversed because they are strains more than injury. ED is normally caused by poor blood flow. PE helps to increase flow to engorge the unit. So it’s great to fight against ED.

Some guys tug and use tons of pressure. For me, I’ve learned that a light stretch with increasing intensity for 30 seconds is best for me to moderate tension and remain comfortable and safe to avoid ligament strain. When Jelqing, I’ve learned I get equal benefit from light to medium pressure jelq as I do from squeezing firmly. So I use a lighter grip and a longer motion to increase glans engorgement.

Best advice I’ve received is, “It’s not a race, it’s a marathon.”

What I take from this is, safety and longevity. If you do lighter and quality routines, then you can go for longer with better results than the guy that squeezes as hard as possible with fast strokes trying to gain too fast.

Starting 10/09/17: BPEL 7” & MSEG 4.75”

Current 12/18/17: 7 1/2" BPEL & 5" MSEG

Goal: BPEL 9” & MSEG 6”

Can you post some of the stories you’re referencing?

I think it’s possible that you can do the exercises 100% correct and cause irreversible damage. That said, I think it’s an overwhelming minority who just happen to have some unlucky predisposition.

Yes of course it is possible, in the early days of PE and even in some of my more latter years, if I overdo it and am disconnected to what is best for my penis then erection quality suffers or is not present.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

Personally I apprently respond better to hanging. When I tried a manual routine for a week (when I had a blister), my unit responded poorly. EQ went downhill, turtling, etc. But then again I was dry jelqing as I’m uncut, and apparently that is more intense, I was probably overdoing it.

But when it comes to hanging it’s like my unit looks forward to it lmao. Seems like I’ve already gained BPFSL but it hasn’t translated to BPEL.. Smooth muscle apparently lags behind when hanging.

Originally Posted by Phenyo
Yes of course it is possible, in the early days of PE and even in some of my more latter years, if I overdo it and am disconnected to what is best for my penis then erection quality suffers or is not present.

EQ suffers or is not present? Were you able to recover from this after giving your body enough time to recuperate?

Originally Posted by velhungvhite
Can you post some of the stories you’re referencing?

I think it’s possible that you can do the exercises 100% correct and cause irreversible damage. That said, I think it’s an overwhelming minority who just happen to have some unlucky predisposition.

Thanks for replying, unfortunately this several months ago and I have since reformatted and lost those bookmarks so I cannot find the specific threads that are lingering in the back of my mind. However, a simple google search there are quite a few stories to pick from.

For example
This user has lost the ability to have an erection for a decade as a result of jelqing, or so he claims
I suffered erectile dysfunction for 10 years from jelqing. I’m 25. I posted about my problems last month and here is my update. : sex

This one as well:
I damaged my penis ‘jelqing’ and it is destroying my life : offmychest

Worth keeping in mind that it seems like both of these incidents were based around one time occurrences where they caused serious damage (for sure the one where the guy mentions hearing a “pop”.) Also worth noting that both of them seem to be in a really bad space mentally which can have a huge impact on libido.

I can’t say for sure how safe jelqing and other manual exercises are because I haven’t read any significant studies on the topic. Out of everyone who’s tried the exercises it seems like a small portion of people got irreversible damage. Out of that small portion, I’m willing to bet a decent portion did the exercises with too much force.

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