Changed size and appearance after few man. stretches
I’ve a question about manual stretching.
After a stretching session I see that my penis is shifting in where it points. It seems like almost the whole shaft rotated clockwise and that its now pointing a little to the left when erect. Or almost like the left ligament dropped down but the right didn’t, if that makes any sense? What could be the reason of this? While stretching it to the sides, I felt much more tension when pulling right and almost no tension when pulling at the same angle to the left. My theory is that my left ligament is more stiff and that the right one is looser. I’ve only had about a handful of sessions and it went away after not taking up stretching again.
The weirdest thing is that only after a couple sessions I noticed was 0.5cm longer in BPEL and pushed me over the tip of 8 inches BPEL. And also I have a really high erection angle, and after stretching it, I could notice my penis would point to the ceiling (an angle that is higher than usual), even though I was only about 50% erect. Something that never happened before stretching, not sure why?