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circumcision = less sensitive = longer lasting???


A far better plan than cutting off the natural end of your dick. As you get older the sensitivity problem will decrease and you’ll be glad you still have your foreskin.

KEEP your foreskin - learn to live with it. I was “cut” at birth and I wish like hell my parents had left me with my intact penis! You CAN train yourself to prevent premature ejaculation - even with an ultrasensitive glans. Once our foreskin is removed, there is no going back. The glans

changes and looses sensitivity. Foreskins are sexy and are wonderful when masturbating!!!

Oh, I still have great orgasms and shoot a large load of semen - BUT I always wonder how much more thrilling it would be with a nice long foreskin!!! Frank


Originally Posted by corona4
Sorry, I type on dozens of forum boards everyday, and not using capitalization has become a habit. It hasn’t been an issue before.

I think I will stick with edging and jelqing and see where I can get.


I appreciate that.

Thank you for your cooperation, have a good stay!

I was also circumsized at birth and I wasn’t always good at lasting long either, I think alot of it has to do with age etc. When I was 18 I couldn’t last as long as I can now, but I’ve also read and implemented alot of techinques to increase both my own pleasure and hers. Ejaculation is actually a reflex, and just as you can train your eyes to not flinch if you put contact lenses in often enough, you can train yourself to not ejaculate until you desire. For me, I now have to squeeze my PC muscle and hold it during sex in order to reach the point of ejaculation, ortherwise I’ll be thrusting all day.(Though I think I used to do this during sex automatically which lead me to ejaculation earlier than I desired. Now I focus on maintaining relaxation of the PC muscle.) Once you figure out that ejaculation is just a reflex you can actually have orgasms without ejaculating.(multiple orgasms)

I recommond a book I have mentioned before on this site, which is: The Multi-Orgasmic Man, by Mantak Chia & Douglas Abrams.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Thanks for all the responses guys!

Like I said before, I think I’m going to try a few things to cure my PE before I do something drastic.

I have a few questions about edging though, that maybe you could answer. (I’ve read through almost every edging thread on this forum, but couldn’t find the answers)

1. Is it okay to ejaculate after edging? Or would it be better to just go to sleep, or go find something else to do. I was thinking I could ejaculate after every 2-3 sessions (days), just so my balls don’t turn bright blue.

2. How long should I do it for? Is longer necessarily better? I think I edged for 3 hours last night, lol.

3. Will edging increase my testosterone levels, or will they only be effected if I come.

4. Is it okay to combine Jelqing/Horse 440 and edging. For example: I would masturbate until I reach the brink, then stop for a few seconds, then Jelq until the feeling of an oncoming orgasm passes, then continue masturbating, then jelqing.over and over.

Thanks again.

Starting: (8/12/04) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.5" (skinny) Goals: BPEL: 8" EG: Stupendous

Originally Posted by corona4
1. Is it okay to ejaculate after edging? Or would it be better to just go to sleep, or go find something else to do. I was thinking I could ejaculate after every 2-3 sessions (days), just so my balls don’t turn bright blue.

If you don’t ejaculate after you’ll train yourself more for lasting, as it’ll become normal not to ejaculate.

Originally Posted by corona4
2. How long should I do it for? Is longer necessarily better? I think I edged for 3 hours last night, lol.

I’d say you should always make it last at least 20-30 minutes or longer if you have the time/energy.

Originally Posted by corona4
3. Will edging increase my testosterone levels, or will they only be effected if I come.

I think edging will raise your testosterone levels, and cumming will drop them.

Originally Posted by corona4
4. Is it okay to combine Jelqing/Horse 440 and edging. For example: I would masturbate until I reach the brink, then stop for a few seconds, then Jelq until the
feeling of an oncoming orgasm passes, then continue masturbating, then jelqing.over and over.

Sounds like a plan.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.


Welcome to Thunder’s. I’m glad to see you’re cooperating with the “powers that be” regarding using proper English. Remember we have a lot of members whose first language is not English.

I hope you decide to follow all the great advice you’ve been given and not go for circumcision at this time. As you grow older, you’ll certainly become less sensitive, along with all the exercises you’ve been given to help control your ejaculations.

I am cut, but the good doctor left the frenulum intact, along with a lot of foreskin, which makes PE easier for me. I wouldn’t mess with mother nature, if I were you. It’s different when it’s done to an infant.

If you do ever decide to have it done, be sure to get feedback from several people who have been circumcized as adults.

Good luck.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg



here’s the deal!

I don’t know how long your FS is but try to wear it pulled back for a week. It’ll give you an idea of how it feels to be “cut”. The foreskin has reason, my man, otherwise nature wouldn’t have given it to you. The Doc’s and some religious beliefs are the main reasons guys get cut these days, but it’s on the decline. So my best advice is, keep it and work with it. If you don’t like…learn to love it!

Most of my GF’s loved it. They all said that there was much more to play with and so many more possibilities for oral sex than with a cut guy. See what those cut guys missing out on? :)

But then again…there are plenty of women that swear that a cut dick is more attractive.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Thanks for answering my questions Redwood.

Uncut4Big - How do you wear it back for a week? Tape it or something? (If I just pull it back, it’ll obviously just slide to it’s normal position quickly) I’d be interested to do this to desensitize the head a little.

When flaccid, the foreskin is just large enough to cover the whole head. And with a hard erection, the whole head is exposed.

Starting: (8/12/04) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.5" (skinny) Goals: BPEL: 8" EG: Stupendous

Originally Posted by corona4
4. Is it okay to combine Jelqing/Horse 440 and edging. For example: I would masturbate until I reach the brink, then stop for a few seconds, then Jelq until the feeling of an oncoming orgasm passes, then continue masturbating, then jelqing.over and over.

You shouldn’t be doing Horse440 squeezes yet. You need to do basic PE, jelqing and stretching, for about a month before you try advanced exercises. Don’t be in a hurry or you’ll injure yourself.

Originally Posted by Redwood1981
I think edging will raise your testosterone levels, and cumming will drop them.

No. This has been discussed before. Ejaculation does not affect testosterone levels.

Research abstracts:
http://www.ncbi … t_uids=12697037
http://www.ncbi … t_uids=11760788
http://www.ncbi … st_uids=9695139

How many times a day should one ” edge ” to increase their performance? I´m very curious and willing to start this simple exercise.

I started restoring my foreskin when I was 14 years old. It was completely worth it.

There are topical sprays available for sensitive glans. Please consider this. Search on eBay for “MACA Male Delay Spray Extended Male Sex Time Prevents Premature Ejaculation”.

The foreskin accommodates an erection. It is functional. I don’t consider it optional. The reason I originally started researching foreskin restoration was because virtually every erection painfully hurt. There wasn’t enough skin to get hard.


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