Coming back to PE: a grip question
Hello everyone, I’ve been a member of thunder’s place for awhile now and been PEing for even longer. I recently took a hiatus from my efforts. I have been PEing now for roughly 4 years on and off, and truthfully I have never been consistent because of a demanding schedule due in part to being full-time student, working part time, and having a girlfriend kept my routine very sporadic. I decided to quit and come back once I had a routine schedule and could make room specifically for these exercises. Well, everything is in place my girlfriend now also has a schedule that will give me some private time to handle some business.
I just re-started my p.e routine which purely focuses on girth and through all of this time I have never mastered a pure OK grip for a jelqing technique. Currently I’m doing dry jelqs and I’ve tried both overhand and underhand OK grips, but whenever I jelq towards the glans I just feel alot of blood leaving my penis back into my body making an erection subside. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Sometimes I can keep the blood from leaving, but it takes quite alot of force and only holds for a couple of strokes before it goes down to 40-50% hardness. I don’t necessarily want to strangle my penis every jelq stroke that’s for sure. It has been haunting me since I started and any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.