Thunder's Place

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Comparing my EL and BPEL: Can This Be Right

Comparing my EL and BPEL: Can This Be Right

I measured myself today, for the first time for a while. With a ruler I measure at about 5.5-5.75 EL, but when I Bone Press I measure at about 6.4 in length! Can this be right, or am I doing something wrong? Btw, I measured my EG too, and I don’t know if I have naturally grown a lot in the past few months or something, but my EG is 5 inches now, I remembered it being at around 4 1/2.. I had to measure it three times just to make sure!

Could be right. The difference between my EL and BPEL are similar. The determining factor is the thickness of the fat pad you are pressing the ruler against.

Ya it’s wright,mine is really small compared to bpel,but most people here at thunder say to only measure bpel.that seems alot to have grown in girth but if your young then maybe it did,don’t know much on also make sure it’s the same place everytime you measure girth,I do it in between to vains mid shaft.anyway good luck.

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