Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Confounding variables

Confounding variables

How do you guys track your progress, and accurately relate it to your PE-exercises?

Since I’ve “seriously” started PE (Dec last year, got lazy for a couple months so I use the word seriously in quotations), I’ve gone from a 5.75”x4.75” to a 6.45”x4.80” using a length/girth alternating day routine.

I’m very happy with my progress so far, but what I’d really like to know is what I did to get to this point.. Unfortunately I haven’t done a very good job book-keeping with exercises and times etc. After my two month hiatus in April/May I started a new rotation of exercises and so I’m not entirely sure what my gains are a result of. Also the information would be helpful to getting girth gains, which have clearly not come quite as easy as length gains.

I thought THunder’s would be a good place to find advice on how to improve this aspect of my PE’ing.

Start: 5.50" x 4.60"

Now: 6.70" x 4.80" (Goal: 8.00" x 6.00")

Current routine - hanging/ads, clamping and bathmate

Well we can’t do much to help you as we dont know your weekly/monthly measurements.

As you say you have to do your own recording of gains/losses or static measure,

Four things are required. A ruler, pencil, and a note pad.

The fourth?

The will to do it.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

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