Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Cum quick


Originally Posted by HalfRusski
Try this: instead of being a giggly schoolboy, thinking to yourself “My God, I’m actually having SEX!!!”, try to develop a more self confident inner voice…like “yeah, baby, how do you like THAT! Who’s your Daddy?” Concentrate not on how it feels for you, but what you are doing for your partner. Disconnect yourself from the sensations on your dick, work to convince yourself that they are not that important at the moment. Do anything you can to lower the importance you attach to having your dick in a girl.

Don’t know if that approach works or not, but it sure sounds great! Is it hot in here?

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Originally Posted by tinytim
If only I had such problems.

Be careful what you wish for…



You should have sex with her more often, that way you’ll get used to the sensation.

Thanks for the input guys,didn’t know of so many options.


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