Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

De-Conditioning Break

De-Conditioning Break

What exactly can I and can I not do during a decon break. I know obviously no stretching or normal jelqing but are things like kegels, edging etc normal to do during the decon break? And how long should I really be going for? I feel like PE has become part of my daily routine and its hard to not feel like I’ll lose gains if I do this for too long. I know I probably need a decon because I haven’t seen gains in quite some time and my EQ is dropping, I just don’t exactly know what’s best for this procedure.

Originally Posted by Cjrmj

What exactly can I and can I not do during a decon break. I know obviously no stretching or normal jelqing but are things like kegels, edging etc normal to do during the decon break? And how long should I really be going for? I feel like PE has become part of my daily routine and its hard to not feel like I’ll lose gains if I do this for too long. I know I probably need a decon because I haven’t seen gains in quite some time and my EQ is dropping, I just don’t exactly know what’s best for this procedure.

Do nothing, zero, zilch, nada. Decon is time off period. Take that time for yourself and to reevaluate your routine.

Thanks for the replies, so 2-4 weeks or so of no PE whatsoever is what is most recommended. I’ll start with 2 weeks first though but from now on my routine will be something like 6 weeks on 2 weeks off completely. Really never knew PE was “cycled” like this

Originally Posted by Cjrmj

Thanks for the replies, so 2-4 weeks or so of no PE whatsoever is what is most recommended. I’ll start with 2 weeks first though but from now on my routine will be something like 6 weeks on 2 weeks off completely. Really never knew PE was “cycled” like this

I didn’t either until I started really reading here and even then I didn’t want to buy into it but I have and it makes a difference in more ways then just gaining dick size.

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