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DHT cream, where?

DHT cream, where?

How the hell do you get this cream? Its literally out of stock everywhere, nowhere does this cream exist.. How do I get this? I’m so desperate in trying this..

Tips are appreciated.

I don’t think it works after puberty.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Originally Posted by tiahh
How the hell do you get this cream? Its literally out of stock everywhere, nowhere does this cream exist.. How do I get this? I’m so desperate in trying this..

Tips are appreciated.

http://russians …

DO NOT take more than the 12% gel to start with. If you follow the advised dosage with 12% you don’t risk enlarging your prostate or hairloss, and in fact you increase natural testosterone production. But overdo it or use the 35% cream and you will run into much more serious side effects. 12% should be sufficient for results anyway if you have unrealised puberty growth that did not occur naturally bc of too low DHT during puberty.

Originally Posted by dsdany606
I don’t think it works after puberty.

yeah it doesn’t unless he had hormonal imbalance during puberty so if it doesn’t work the first time, it won’t work the second try either. It’s a hit or miss thing, might be worth a shot.

Originally Posted by srsabpe
http://russians …

DO NOT take more than the 12% gel to start with. If you follow the advised dosage with 12% you don’t risk enlarging your prostate or hairloss, and in fact you increase natural testosterone production. But overdo it or use the 35% cream and you will run into much more serious side effects. 12% should be sufficient for results anyway if you have unrealised puberty growth that did not occur naturally BC of too low DHT during puberty.

Why the hell are you linking a scam website?

Those have been proven to just contain the ingredient ethanol, no dht whatsoever.

So, I did some digging and here is a French forum with a topic on russianstarp:


Hee are the reviews of the two who used the site:

One guy works in the field of metallurgy and recognized a few industrial diluents smell for some of their products (did not use dht gel nly), he said he teste one of the product on a machine and came to the conclusion it was ethanol (he does not explain how he tested for this). He says it’s a complete scam.

The other one say their GH is fake, he took 6 IU for 2 months and later tested his IG to see it was at 190, he also says they are complete scammers.


Warning don’t buy anything from https://WWW.Rus … tarPeptides.COM


Fake reviews on his site, FAKE@@@


Originally Posted by tiahh
Why the hell are you linking a scam website?

Those have been proven to just contain the ingredient ethanol, no dht whatsoever.

Oh, I did not know. I actually read positive reviews from 2014 I guess they must have been good from the start and started scamming later on, sad to hear :(

Originally Posted by srsabpe
Oh, I did not know. I actually read positive reviews from 2014 I guess they must have been good from the start and started scamming later on, sad to hear :(

Their positive reviews are clearly fake. The owner has been banned from various forums for creating fake accounts to write “progress reports.” If their product was legitimate, they would have no need to create fake reviews. Real DHT cream would sell like crazy due to difficulty locating Andractim these days.

Most will tell you DHT is useless after puberty. Personally, I believe it may be worth trying in conjunction with a solid PE routine, provided you understand the potential impact to the HTPA and are willing and prepared to deal with the consequences.

Originally Posted by lifestyle
Their positive reviews are clearly fake. The owner has been banned from various forums for creating fake accounts to write “progress reports.” If their product was legitimate, they would have no need to create fake reviews. Real DHT cream would sell like crazy due to difficulty locating Andractim these days.

Most will tell you DHT is useless after puberty. Personally, I believe it may be worth trying in conjunction with a solid PE routine, provided you understand the potential impact to the HTPA and are willing and prepared to deal with the consequences.

I also think it is useless unless you had virtually female DHT levels during some part of puberty where your penis was supposed to experience a growth spurt but in that case didn’t. I think it has been proven in countless studies that DHT in the treatment of micro penis is only effective during the first 6months-1 year of treatment or to “regain” the unrealised penis growth from puberty, after that point it does nothing.

Originally Posted by srsabpe
I also think it is useless unless you had virtually female DHT levels during some part of puberty where your penis was supposed to experience a growth spurt but in that case didn’t. I think it has been proven in countless studies that DHT in the treatment of micro penis is only effective during the first 6months-1 year of treatment or to “regain” the unrealised penis growth from puberty, after that point it does nothing.

Useless is a strong word.

I agree that it is unrealistic to expect any substantial gains from DHT or any androgen alone. However, I’ve read countless threads of big gainers. Many go to great lengths to meticulously control as many variables as possible in order to contribute to gains, aside from just their primary PE routine.

- ADS or wrap usage to “never let it turtle.”
- Drinking massive amounts of water to stay hydrated.
- Making various diet and supplementation changes.
- Not getting off after edging due to the belief that it may change their hormonal balance and negatively impact gains.
- The list goes on and on.

Why shouldn’t hormone levels be one of these variables? Is DHT a magic bullet? Of course not. However, I think it’s a bit closed minded to say it’s “useless” for PE. I believe increasing androgens and decreasing estrogen may contribute to PE gains. I don’t have any studies that directly back this up, but I have seen some anecdotal evidence that supports this belief. If it makes my routine 10% more effective, I consider that a win.

Even if it does nothing at all for PE, I believe increasing androgens and decreasing estrogen will benefit me personally. I have done quite a bit of research on the topic, and have blood tests and studies that support this belief.

So for me? It’s win-win. However, as I mentioned above, I do not recommend anyone mess with their hormones without understanding the potential impact to the HTPA and being prepared to deal with the consequences.

Start 11/30/17: 6” BPEL, 4.25" MSEG - My Progress Report

Latest 1/29/20: 7" BPEL, 4.75" MSEG - My Progress Photos

Originally Posted by lifestyle
I do not recommend anyone mess with their hormones without understanding the potential impact to the HTPA and being prepared to deal with the consequences.

I noticed a typo: the above should have read HPTA instead of HTPA.

Start 11/30/17: 6” BPEL, 4.25" MSEG - My Progress Report

Latest 1/29/20: 7" BPEL, 4.75" MSEG - My Progress Photos

I've tried it

I am 17 years old.

The DHT 12% is not fake I tried it for 8 weeks, it increased libido, the hair growth, made the voice slightly deeper and and made the penis flaccid bigger, the problem is that since 8 weeks I noticed a slight shrinking of the balls and I stopped. After I stopped the libido was down and my sperm was lower.

I did the blood tests and LH, FSH, T and estrogen were decreased. After 2 week I recovered my libido and I’m fine but the balls haven’t grown yet and I’m thinking of making a slight PCT with Nolvadex.

I don’t know if my penis would have grown if I had continued the cycle maybe I was stupid to stop but I care to my balls.

Should I perhaps try a longer cycle at lower doses and make a PCT at the end to restore HPTA?

How to increase your ball

Originally Posted by Lobo00

I am 17 years old.

The DHT 12% is not fake I tried it for 8 weeks, it increased libido, the hair growth, made the voice slightly deeper and and made the penis flaccid bigger, the problem is that since 8 weeks I noticed a slight shrinking of the balls and I stopped. After I stopped the libido was down and my sperm was lower.

I did the blood tests and LH, FSH, T and estrogen were decreased. After 2 week I recovered my libido and I’m fine but the balls haven’t grown yet and I’m thinking of making a slight PCT with 诺瓦得士.

I don’t know if my penis would have grown if I had continued the cycle maybe I was stupid to stop but I care to my balls.

Should I perhaps try a longer cycle at lower doses and make a PCT at the end to restore HPTA?

And I neeed your help

Just found this old threat. So has anyone actually successfully used dht for growth? Where did you buy it from, since the manufacturer doesn’t make it anymore and russianpeptides, issuperpharma, alphagels have all been found to be scams?

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