Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

DHT Cream for ridiculous growth!?!?

DHT Cream for ridiculous growth!?!?

Hey guys,

I happened to be browsing the other day and came across a few articles that talked about DHT Cream/ gel being used for intense penis growth. Supposedly this is an androgen that cause sserious cell growth when applied directly to the penis. Has anyone heard about this? If it wasn’t for the fact that DHT is a major cause of hair loss (I’m already thining at 26) I would have no problem trying this stuff out. I trust Thunders for some good input.

If you have not heard of this do a google search for “DHT and penis” and you will see some articles that talk about serious growth gains in a short amount of time.

Lets talk about this one…

I swear I'm going to stop at 8... ok maybe 8.5 :D

Rather than going through 60 pages ( I read the first two), are the risks noted in the beginning significant, I mean I can imagine something is wrong with it since not everyone on this forums is doing it.

I wonder if I should try this.


I’d be curious to know who else has tried this and posted their results. I mean it makes sense both the pros and cons. Any doctors on Thunders care to share?

Now I dont think this is the magic cream or anything but used in conjunction with a solid PE routine why couldn’t you see a dramatic increase in gains….especially if you already have lower than average levels of test.

I swear I'm going to stop at 8... ok maybe 8.5 :D

If this stuff can (possibly) make your dick bigger then I wonder what would it do to your hands?

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Well first off, it’s an alcoholic-based gel.. Which isn’t going to feel great on your dick. It’s purpose is for gynecomastia, which happens when your estrogen levels rise (usually from using steroids), and you basically get “bitch-tits.” So you rub this cream over the affected areas (breasts), and after a while, the fatty tissue will slowly shrink. But this is a hormone gel, and DHT is very HPTA suppressive. Which basically means, it’s going to suppress your endogenous testosterone production, possibly permanently. This is why a lot of steroid users bodies’ are fucked up; they introduce their body to exogenous hormone sources (whether bioidentical or not), and this affects their bodies’ own hormone production. All hormones feedback on each other, meaning, when DHT goes too high, your body senses this, and it stops the production of the upstream hormone, in this case, testosterone, which then later affects the production of the metabolites, such as DHT and E2. I personally don’t know about all this “androgen receptor upregulation” shit, but I wouldn’t touch this shit because of the potential side effects to my hormones, and thus, my entire body since hormones play a HUGE part in your body.

*Approach with caution, same as with PE (hopefully)*

What if you rubbed it on just a small spot on your dick? Would you grow another dick?

What if you rubbed it all over your head and face? Would you grow a huge head?

What if you rubbed it all over your entire body? Would you grow to 10 ft. Tall?

I wish we could hear from one of the doctors on here about this.

There is a doctor out here in CA who does a therapy designed to increase penis size through chemical treatments (I do not know what all the protocols he uses are). I’ve been thinking of driving down to Monterey to consult with him.

4/2008 Bpel 6.50, Beg 5.5, Mseg 4.9

6/2008 Bpel 6.75, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

9/2008 Bpel 7.00, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

Where you buy this stuff?.


Originally Posted by tinytim

What if you rubbed it on just a small spot on your dick? Would you grow another dick?

What if you rubbed it all over your head and face? Would you grow a huge head?

What if you rubbed it all over your entire body? Would you grow to 10 ft. Tall?

What if you rubbed it all over a womans’ breasts? :) Would her boobs get bigger or would she grow a dick on each tit?

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

I’ve read the first 5 pages.

Just as a +.02, if you’re thinking about buying the stuff, read page 4.

There’s probably better pages, but that’s that.


Start 12/1/06 _ _ _ _ 3 month 3/2/06 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 month 4/2/06 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 month 5/2/06

6.6 X 4.75 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7.25 x 4.90 _ _ _ _ _ _ _7.5 x 4.90 BaseGirth: 5.25 _ _ _ _ 7.75 x 4.90 10 month 9/24/06: Still 7.75 X 4.90 ---- I have focused primarily on girth and have not gained a CM in months.

Journal Pictures

I have used this before and it didn’t work for me.


I’ve just emailed Dr Miro Djordevic about this. He is a well know sexual reassignment surgeon and advises his FtM patients to apply DHT to the clitoris in the months prior to surgery. Apparently the clitoris grows as a result of this. I did read about this once before and apparently that it would only be useful prior to puberty. But I wonder if it would make any difference on men who have been using propecia. Propecia reduced DHT production, so maybe a sudden boost of DHT would have a similar effect to that it has on pre pubescent boys.

Man, the clitoris grows almost every time a women use steroids(DHT,Testosterone,etc).

Regarding the subject of this thread, yes, the DHT is responsible for penis growth, but this is done while in puberty when the androgen receptors in the penis are “opened”. By applying DHT you could possibly see an enhancement of EQ which may add 1-2 cm or if you are one of those who has a microphalus(‘caused of insufficient testosterone levels throughout the puberty) you could benefit also.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

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