Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

DHT Cream for ridiculous growth!?!?

Is there any good research behind those ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

I’m on andractim for some time… I mark every day in my log book… I will let you know what I think about it when I finish two tubes.

There are some positive side effects. You are more confident, if you train your voice a little bit, you can get amazingly low voice if you want to…. and man, do I feel happy… It’s like being on drugs, I could laugh all the time and I feel really relaxed in situations that usually make me stressed.

I cycle it. If you abuse this gel you can get side effects, so be careful. My penis grows, so I don’t complain…
the thing that I see is sth like 1cm in length per cycle (between 30-60 days)….

but again, final conclusions after two tubes - as for this moment, I’m happy with it.


How do you apply this stuff, and how often, workout system etc.. 1 cm per cycle is certainly not to be sniffed at!

Was - NBPEL 6.5" BPEL 7.5" MSEG 5.5" Now - NPBEL 8.1" BPEL 8.7" MSEG 6.3"

How does rubbing this gel on your penis skin cause hair loss on your head?

Originally Posted by oz

How do you apply this stuff, and how often, workout system etc.. 1 cm per cycle is certainly not to be sniffed at!


I don’t want to go into details of that right now. I hope that you understand, as I wrote - when I’m done with it I will post the entire story here on the forum (When I get 8x6) . The fact that I gain with it doesn’t mean that all people will gain-we are all different. So guys, don’t get overexcited about this stuff… I will give you some details though in case somebody wants to try it (at your own risk). The rest as I said when I will be done with it cause I experiment a lot (that’s why I keep a record of what I do).

Things that I like about andractim:
-you feel happier than usual (when I am OFF I feel the difference)
-more confidence
-lots of energy to live
-strong morning wood, I find it to be a good indicator if your body answers well to the dht gel. E.g. very strong erections in the beginning of the cycle (sometimes waking up in the middle of the night with the hard one- not painful in my case though)…. after a while it gets weaker… and so the growth… I don’t know if it’s true or not but my impression is that it keeps your penis hard for the part of the night (maybe that’s the reason for gains?)

Some observations:
-when you use andractim on your penis, after a few minutes from application, you can see that your skin is very loose down there, and I really mean it, so loose that if you stretch it and release you can see some “wrinkles” forming
- hair on head gets thinner and I lose some - it’s visible after a few weeks of using I would say, cause you see your hair on your clothes (It hasn’t happened before)

I was playing with the dosage of it. If you think that it stays completely in your penis, I guess that I can say that you are wrong (e.g. I lose some hair,), so if you use more and more the only thing that you will increase will be side effects.

I was using it at:
5g- it was too much, I had increased blood pressure, my body gave me signs that it’s not good
2.5g -still a lot,
1.25g- I used it for a while at 1.25g am and 1.25 g pm, but my favorite is 1.25g (or less e.g. 1g)/day just before bed.

If you start using that I would recommend to use it firstly on the weekend during the day so that you can see how your body reacts and be careful - there were moments that I was scared that I was about to die - As I wrote I experiment with this stuff, I applied it to e.g. face to see if my hair growth will get thicker etc - after one application I knew that I will never do it again- that was really scary.

One more thing that I remember at the moment - there’s a peak of action for andractim…. you can feel it, for me it’s about 2 hours after application. What happens is: 2h pass and if you can relate something to sex e.g. you see somebody in a mini skirt, bending, basically anything that you can link your mind to sex, then you can have an erection, for me it’s after 2 hours,other words you are horny, this animal instinct saying “I want to fuck you right now right here” ;) …… that’s why I cut the AM dose and apply only PM…. I don’t mind having erection during the night, but having erection at work is not that great - you can obviously control it, so you basically can get hard if you want to but then you think “oh im at work thats not the right place” and you go soft again for example - so i guess that you cant gain much from dht that way.
Even if I keep it at 1.25g then at around 2 months (for me) I start seeing side effects which I had before with higher doses - higher blood pressure, your body just says “I need a break” so I give it a break of few weeks.

That’s all from me- the rest when I’m done - I think that in the end I covered a big piece of the andractim usage.

Almost forgot- routine - ADS from ebay that has a review on this forum, or newbie routine,

Originally Posted by mtype
How does rubbing this gel on your penis skin cause hair loss on your head?

The gel doesn’t stay in the penis. It enters the bloodstream and raises DHT levels throughout the entire body. When it reaches the scalp, it can cause hair follicles there to wither and die, resulting in progressive baldness. This is a well-known effect of DHT, which effects men who are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness. Not all men are. This is also why finasteride is used to treat pattern hair loss—it blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT, thereby preserving hair follicles in the scalp.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by EuropeUnited

Almost forgot- routine - ADS from ebay that has a review on this forum, or newbie routine,

+When I applied also AM and then wore ADS, you can imagine that it’s not nice to get an erection
+with the ads on my dht filled body recognized it as some kind of sex stimulator generating even bigger chance of erection so it was counter productive.

Where do you buy it?. What is your age?.


Originally Posted by EuropeUnited
+When I applied also AM and then wore ADS, you can imagine that it’s not nice to get an erection
+with the ads on my dht filled body recognized it as some kind of sex stimulator generating even bigger chance of erection so it was counter productive.

EuropeUnited, it would be really helpful if you could answer a couple of questions:

1. How long have you been PE’ing?
2. How much did you gain from PE before staring this Gel/ADS routine?
3. Have you ever done the gel without the ADS for any length of time? Did you see any gains then?


Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

Gain .5 inch/month with no excersizes

That’s too funny.

November 23, 2004 6 3/4" BPEL EG 5 1/4" Feb 17, 2011 BPEL 8" BPEL EG 6 1/8th"

Originally Posted by anyoneelse

When do the androgen receptors in the penis “close”?

I’m still 19 and may be in my ladder parts of puberty, or I might be over with puberty, I’m not quite sure, but is there a chance that I could see a lot of growth if I were to use this?

Your too young for test.

November 23, 2004 6 3/4" BPEL EG 5 1/4" Feb 17, 2011 BPEL 8" BPEL EG 6 1/8th"

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Probably not. At 19 your DHT is probably pretty high. Especially if you’ve had a normal puberty, adding more DHT to your already well-stocked system probably won’t change your penis much. On the other hand, it might make you bald faster, if you’re predisposed to baldness.

I think the better course for a 19-year old is to start doing a well-rounded, safe PE routine and see if you can milk any more natural growth from your own system.

Thanks, this was helpful, definitely don’t want to go bald.
and I’ve been doing PE since I was 13 off and on, I have a hard time sticking with it for some reason. I’ll PE for about 2-3 months, then stop for about a year, then do it again 2-3 months, rest a year. I just don’t have the discipline to keep up with it, wish I did though. I have noticed a lot of natural growth(not sure if it was puberty or PE or the combination) but wasn’t sure if the DHT would make the growth even more.

Are you seriously still doing that if it causes your hair to fall out? Hmm.. 1 cm every 3 months is about 2x as fast as the rest of the community that makes solid gains. So perhaps there is some reason to your madness, but I am young and would not like the balding effect so as tempting as it sounds I might have to take a pass on this one for a while. Anybody know the name of this doctor though?

Throwing off the hormonal balance of your body is stupid.

No amount of penis growth is worth compromising the integrity of your body.

Try it if you like, but I only advocate all natural PE.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can


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