Thunder's Place

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DHT Cream for ridiculous growth!?!?

Originally Posted by WatchOut

DHT Cream for ridiculous growth!?!?

“Ridiculous growth?” Exactly!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I haven’t read your link yet, but I’ve seen ads for testosterone creams/gels that are advertised as agents to grow the penis. There are also studies confirming that they do, in fact, work.

But you have to look closer at the data. The people they work for are almost always boys with delayed puberty, whose penises have not grown naturally. These boys either haven’t had their testosterone surge yet, or there’s something broken in the way they convert testosterone to DHT.

Results are not nearly as good for adults who have already gone through puberty. I’m not sure adults can grow at all. An exception might be elderly men whose testosterone and DHT levels have fallen off a cliff and whose penises have atrophied. These men can possibly reclaim their lost size using this therapy, but I haven’t seen studies to confirm this and would be suspicious that the creams/gels can work in this manner.

This is certainly worth looking into, but with your suspicion meter set high.

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Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I haven’t read your link yet, but I’ve seen ads for testosterone creams/gels that are advertised as agents to grow the penis. There are also studies confirming that they do, in fact, work.

But you have to look closer at the data. The people they work for are almost always boys with delayed puberty, whose penises have not grown naturally. These boys either haven’t had their testosterone surge yet, or there’s something broken in the way they convert testosterone to DHT.

Results are not nearly as good for adults who have already gone through puberty. I’m not sure adults can grow at all. An exception might be elderly men whose testosterone and DHT levels have fallen off a cliff and whose penises have atrophied. These men can possibly reclaim their lost size using this therapy, but I haven’t seen studies to confirm this and would be suspicious that the creams/gels can work in this manner.

This is certainly worth looking into, but with your suspicion meter set high.

“DHT levels have fallen off a cliff “

This is why I’d like to know what effect taking finisteride could have. If you were taking finisteride and thus weren’t producing much DHT, would the cream have benefit then?

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

Give them books and they gnaw on the covers. (:

Where do you come up with these lines. There fukn great.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I haven’t read your link yet, but I’ve seen ads for testosterone creams/gels that are advertised as agents to grow the penis. There are also studies confirming that they do, in fact, work.

But you have to look closer at the data. The people they work for are almost always boys with delayed puberty, whose penises have not grown naturally. These boys either haven’t had their testosterone surge yet, or there’s something broken in the way they convert testosterone to DHT.

Results are not nearly as good for adults who have already gone through puberty. I’m not sure adults can grow at all. An exception might be elderly men whose testosterone and DHT levels have fallen off a cliff and whose penises have atrophied. These men can possibly reclaim their lost size using this therapy, but I haven’t seen studies to confirm this and would be suspicious that the creams/gels can work in this manner.

This is certainly worth looking into, but with your suspicion meter set high.

Well the thing to try to understand is why not? We know that for bones growth is no longer possible after the growth plates close up. But why can’t penises grow? What about the tissues have changed? My suspicion is that the receptors die or become dormant. But what if they could become reactivated? The hormones, if given at the same levels as in puberty, should do the same thing they did then, which is act on their target tissues. The tissues should do what they always did which is respond to the hormone. Something in this process shuts off at some point. And I don’t think it is clearly understood what that is and why. But I’d sure like to find out. I’ve seen too many anecdotal reports of chemical PE successes to dismiss the effort that easily.

4/2008 Bpel 6.50, Beg 5.5, Mseg 4.9

6/2008 Bpel 6.75, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

9/2008 Bpel 7.00, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

Originally Posted by joey999
“DHT levels have fallen off a cliff “

This is why I’d like to know what effect taking finisteride could have. If you were taking finisteride and thus weren’t producing much DHT, would the cream have benefit then?

Finasteride is a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor (if memory serves). It prevents testosterone from reducing to DHT. But if the cream or gel is already reduced (contains DHT rather than T), finasteride shouldn’t have any effect. That’s my non-professional, armchair chemist’s view, anyway.

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Originally Posted by Fantom
Well the thing to try to understand is why not? We know that for bones growth is no longer possible after the growth plates close up. But why can’t penises grow? What about the tissues have changed? My suspicion is that the receptors die or become dormant. But what if they could become reactivated? The hormones, if given at the same levels as in puberty, should do the same thing they did then, which is act on their target tissues. The tissues should do what they always did which is respond to the hormone. Something in this process shuts off at some point. And I don’t think it is clearly understood what that is and why. But I’d sure like to find out. I’ve seen too many anecdotal reports of chemical PE successes to dismiss the effort that easily.

Dr. Kevin Pezzi writes about this very subject in "The Science of Sex." See http://www.erbo … et/kevinpez.htm

He believes one can use finasteride to starve the DHT receptors in the penis, making them ultra-sensitive, and then abruptly stop the finasteride and boost T naturally to cause a puberty-like surge in penis growth. I downloaded the book ages ago, but confess I haven’t read it yet.

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This is a bit OFF but can a guy have a lot of hair but low levels of testosterone?

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Finasteride is a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor (if memory serves). It prevents testosterone from reducing to DHT. But if the cream or gel is already reduced (contains DHT rather than T), finasteride shouldn’t have any effect. That’s my non-professional, armchair chemist’s view, anyway.

But what I’m suggesting is that surely finisteride takes the penis back to the state it was in before puberty and thus if you put the DHT cream on it, then might it not have the same effect on a full grown man as a pre pubescent boy? I’m talking about doing a similar thing to what Kevin Prezzi is suggesting, by creating a puberty like surge, but perhaps more powerful because of the cream. One wouldn’t actually need to come off finisteride.

Originally Posted by alin
Man, the clitoris grows almost every time a women use steroids(DHT,Testosterone,etc).

Regarding the subject of this thread, yes, the DHT is responsible for penis growth, but this is done while in puberty when the androgen receptors in the penis are “opened”. By applying DHT you could possibly see an enhancement of EQ which may add 1-2 cm or if you are one of those who has a microphalus(‘caused of insufficient testosterone levels throughout the puberty) you could benefit also.

When do the androgen receptors in the penis “close”?
I’m still 19 and may be in my ladder parts of puberty, or I might be over with puberty, I’m not quite sure, but is there a chance that I could see a lot of growth if I were to use this?

Originally Posted by joey999
But what I’m suggesting is that surely finisteride takes the penis back to the state it was in before puberty and thus if you put the DHT cream on it, then might it not have the same effect on a full grown man as a pre pubescent boy?

Replace “surely” with “there is a remote possibility that in some ways” and I’ll agree with you. If people went through a second puberty each time they cycled off finasteride, they would be talking about it and it would probably require relabeling of the product literature to indicate that “ridiculous penile growth” is a side effect of the drug.

Originally Posted by joey999
I’m talking about doing a similar thing to what Kevin Prezzi is suggesting, by creating a puberty like surge, but perhaps more powerful because of the cream. One wouldn’t actually need to come off finisteride.

Perhaps yes, perhaps no. Most transdermals are picked up by the circulatory system under the skin and are rapidly distributed throughout the body. The concentration in the deep tissues under the applied location is not usually changed any more than elsewhere in the body.

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Originally Posted by anyoneelse
When do the androgen receptors in the penis “close”?
I’m still 19 and may be in my ladder parts of puberty, or I might be over with puberty, I’m not quite sure, but is there a chance that I could see a lot of growth if I were to use this?

Probably not. At 19 your DHT is probably pretty high. Especially if you’ve had a normal puberty, adding more DHT to your already well-stocked system probably won’t change your penis much. On the other hand, it might make you bald faster, if you’re predisposed to baldness.

I think the better course for a 19-year old is to start doing a well-rounded, safe PE routine and see if you can milk any more natural growth from your own system.

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Evening Primrose Oil or Borage Oil which contain GLA is supposed to upregulate DHT receptors and PGE1 in the penis tissues. Maybe a high dose with the dht cream may work?


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