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Do taller guys have biger penis

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To me you have not stated one bit of knowledge resembling anything to do with medicine. The one thing you did, was spelled incorrectly and was out of context to the field on discussion. Also you were the one that came across as arrogant to me by stating they (height and penis size) have nothing to do with each other as a matter of closed discussion, by the way I am not really arguing that point but have been calling you out on your statement. When confronted about said knowledge, you reverted to a 3rd grade name calling session. As to that you still have not given one shred of credibility to anything you have stated accept that you are a “medical” student that cannot even get their fields correct as to relating to when the proper time to apply them is. All I am saying is please take some time and spread the wealth of knowledge that you apparently posses in your own mind. As I am interested in the field of genetics on an elementary level and have had some classes pertaining to them. So basically if you don’t start walking your talk I will view you as a poser, since I have responded to your questions, you have not had a shred of decency to respond to mine. So please it least share some references or some of your first hand knowledge as to this or any medical field that would have use here in this disscusion. Peace

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Height vs. weenie

After 701 votes, breaking up the heights and percentages looks like this:

< 5’9——————2%——————26%——————-44%——————27%————-250 votes
5’10-6’1————-3%——————21%——————-42%——————33%————-320 votes
6’2 >——————2%——————18%——————-39%——————43%————-131 votes

Now tell me if anyone can’t see the correlation between height and dicksize now :D

Urologists who deny there’s correlation between height and dicksize have obviously never seen a survey regarding the correlation between height and dicksize just like they have never seen any proof that pe works. Solong they haven’t seen any proof they will say you can’t grow your dick through exercises. We know better. So why keep bringing them up?

It’s a fucking shame that a thread has to turn to shit like this, a real fucking shame. It stops now or the thread will evaporate.

And krtel, lighten up a little will you? You come storming into the thread with a chip on your shoulder. Not necessary. If you have knowledge, share it, but do it in a pleasant way please.

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If you read through the posts in this thread, you’ll see that no one here is claiming any medical expertise except yourself. Relatedly, no one here has said that genetics is not complex. However, some of us know people in the medical sciences. I was a university professor for many years, and I know many people in the medical sciences—some who work at top universities here and in other countries.

I realize that your urologist cousin does not think that there is any correlation between height and penis size, but, as the philosopher Aristotle said, “One swallow does not a summer make!” Similarly, one urologist’s opinion does not a medical doctrine make. Once again, I wish you would actually read what I have written in my posts. I’ll repeat myself: I have been told by a number of urologists that there is a correlation between height and penis size. There you go: Medical experts differ in their opinions. What else is new?

Moreover, I am more than happy to have you or anyone else refute my opinions. Only, do not use insults to do it. I can tell you as a university lecturer on critical thinking, that that is not an effective method. Rather, use evidence. Specifically, can you refer us unenlightened ones to any reputable journal articles (in English, please) that demonstrate, as you assert, that there “is no chance in the world that anyone could find a correlation between” height and penis size. This is an extremely strong claim. You are saying (1) that no correlation has been found and (2) that no correlation could be found. I do not know whether (1) is true or false, as far as published medical research goes. But, again, speaking from my area of expertise in critical thinking, (2) is a claim that neither you nor anyone else could demonstrate now or at any time in the future. Medicine is not an a priori science; no matter what we think we know now, future discoveries may (and often do!) lead us to revise our opinions. For this reason, terms like “certain,” “never,” “no chance,” etc., are rarely in the vocabulary of a competent scientist.

You claim that height and dick size are controlled by different genetic pathways. I’m more than happy to take your word on that. However, MX is right: It does not follow from this fact (if indeed it is a fact) that there is no correlation between the two traits. Once again, in the language of critical thinking, your purported conclusion is a “non sequitur.” For the conclusion to follow from your one premise, you would also have to demonstrate at least the following: (1) that there is no genetic or physiological interaction at all between these two pathways and (2) that these two pathways do not derive from some common genetic structure. Either (1) or (2) is sufficient to refute your claim. In other words, you would have to demonstrate that the genetic structure controlling height and the genetic structure controlling penis size are entirely independent systems, that they are as distinct from each other as a cat and a fish. I may not know a lot about medicine, but I do know that the human body is a system; its sundry parts are physiologically and, yes, genetically integrated. This does not entail that height and penis size are correlated in any significant way, but it does lend a certain bias to this view over yours.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
It’s a fucking shame that a thread has to turn to shit like this, a real fucking shame. It stops now or the thread will evaporate.

And krtel, lighten up a little will you? You come storming into the thread with a chip on your shoulder. Not necessary. If you have knowledge, share it, but do it in a pleasant way please.

Sorry Thunder. I just made my last post before reading yours. I hope at least that I’m demanding from Krtel a little more evidence and a lot less hot air.

Originally Posted by Jm123

To me you have not stated one bit of knowledge resembling anything to do with medicine. The one thing you did, was spelled incorrectly and was out of context to the field on discussion. Also you were the one that came across as arrogant to me by stating they (height and penis size) have nothing to do with each other as a matter of closed discussion, by the way I am not really arguing that point but have been calling you out on your statement. When confronted about said knowledge, you reverted to a 3rd grade name calling session. As to that you still have not given one shred of credibility to anything you have stated accept that you are a “medical” student that cannot even get their fields correct as to relating to when the proper time to apply them is. All I am saying is please take some time and spread the wealth of knowledge that you apparently posses in your own mind. As I am interested in the field of genetics on an elementary level and have had some classes pertaining to them. So basically if you don’t start walking your talk I will view you as a poser, since I have responded to your questions, you have not had a shred of decency to respond to mine. So please it least share some references or some of your first hand knowledge as to this or any medical field that would have use here in this disscusion. Peace

Come on, is it so hard to accept that someone whose native language is not english may find it hard to explain something complex using english? Am I supposed not to make any spelling mistakes?! I speak portuguese and french fluently. My english is AT LEAST enough for what I need. How many americans speak 3 different languages so fluently? I’ve studied in Italy for 1 year some time ago, so you probably understand that my Italian is also reasonable.

That arrogant way of seeing things is why americans are hated all over the world. You guys think you’re the most intelligent people alive. You can’t accept that someone living in another country doesn’t speak your language as well as you do…

How can you expect me to explain such a complex subject using a language that is not my native one?! Do you want me to explain it in portuguese?

And how can you say “As to that you still have not given one shred of credibility to anything you have stated accept that you are a “medical” student that cannot even get their fields correct as to relating to when the proper time to apply them is.” Jesus, you couldn’t be more arrogant than that. So, a guy who’s in the manufacturing industry wants to teach me when to properly use medical terms…

And by the way, I’m not one of those who hate the USA, I respect the USA and I accept their huge role in the world… in fact, I almost “love” the USA… but you americans are the most arrogant people in the world…

Sorry about that.

The more I look at that poll the more I realize how well it was done. I only wish the height difference from 5’10-6’1 wasn’t so large. Basically I feel we have to small of a sample of the “tall”. It’s a two to one ratio, I’d like to see 6’ and up listed as “tall”. Maybe we should start will a poll and first determine what is tall. To me I’m 5’10 anyone over 6’ is tall, technically anyone over the average should be considered tall. And average height is 5’10 is it not?

In other words allot of tall guys voted in the 5’10-6’1 catagory. And not enough voted in the tall catagory of 6’2. I do wonder which direction the percentages would go if the tall catagory had 100 more votes from those 6’ and 6’1 guys.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

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