Current 5.5 NBPEL x 5.75 Base EG - 5.25 MSEG 7" BPSFL
Short Term Goal 6 NBPEL x 6 MPEG
Long Term Goal 8 NBPEL x 7 MPEG (why not dream BIG?)
The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
Current 5.5 NBPEL x 5.75 Base EG - 5.25 MSEG 7" BPSFL
Short Term Goal 6 NBPEL x 6 MPEG
Long Term Goal 8 NBPEL x 7 MPEG (why not dream BIG?)
start stats :7.7x5.8 (2014-06-02 ) / Short term goal : 8x6 (achieved on 2014-06-14 and 2014-04-23 respectively)
Mid term goal : 8.5x6.5 (achieved on 2020-06-21 after 6 years break.)
Long term goal : 9x7
Current 5.5 NBPEL x 5.75 Base EG - 5.25 MSEG 7" BPSFL
Short Term Goal 6 NBPEL x 6 MPEG
Long Term Goal 8 NBPEL x 7 MPEG (why not dream BIG?)
Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"
Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"