Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Do You Think You Can Gain Tenth And Girth

Do You Think You Can Gain Tenth And Girth

Some People Say It’s Hard To Do Both At The Same Time Do You Believe That?did You Work At Length First?do You Think Girth Gains Affect Length?I Just Started A New Work Out Tell Me How It Sounds.40 Mins Of Hanging, Then Manual Stenching,then Jelq 20 Min Then Pump 10 Mins. Then When I’m Done Pumping. I Hold The Base Of My Penis Tight And Jelq Up.I Kegel After Each Exercise.I Do This Every Other Day.but The Night Before I Hang For 40 Mins.let Me No If This Sounds Like A Good Work Out To Get Both Length And Girth At The Same Time Thank You.

Stick with the newbie routine and you will gain both Tength and Girth. After a few months you can go a little crazy and start clamping and such. In my opinion hanging should be fine to start, but TAKE IT EASY! Start low and work your way up. Oh and READ EVERYTHING IN THIS FORUM, OK maybe not everything, but read away…

Start date 12-10-05 Old: NBPEL - 4.5" BPEL - 5.75" EG - 4.625" Current: NBPEL - 5" BPEL - 6.25" EG - 5.1" Goal: NBPEL - 7.5" BPEL - 8.25 EG - 6.00" - I want a big floppy donkey dick!


From your post it looks like you wrote it all in caps and the software corrected it. Still looks bad.

You might - without implying a choice in the matter - want to check the Forum Guidelines before posting again.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

zman, those are some nice girth gains, whats your routine

"You've never lived until you've almost died. For those who fight for it, life has a flavor that the protected will never know."


I have done nothing but 100-200 100% erect dry jelqs a day and I slacked a lot at first. I have started some light clamping and am going to increase the jelqs a bit. I always concentrate on quality and not quantity. I started with hardcore stretching, but could not stay with it. I am going to get back into a better routine soon. It’s been about 4 months now since I actually started and probably have 3 solid months of work done. My dick is definatly girthier and most of it came within 4 or 5 weeks. I have started to level off. That is why I am starting to clamp and want to up the jelqs. Mostly I jelq in the tub with the hot water running over my dick. In fact I think I am going to start right now…

Start date 12-10-05 Old: NBPEL - 4.5" BPEL - 5.75" EG - 4.625" Current: NBPEL - 5" BPEL - 6.25" EG - 5.1" Goal: NBPEL - 7.5" BPEL - 8.25 EG - 6.00" - I want a big floppy donkey dick!

Originally Posted by Zman2700
I have done nothing but 100-200 100% erect dry jelqs a day

Originally Posted by Zman2700
Mostly I jelq in the tub with the hot water running over my dick.

Which is it, dry or wet?

I’m curious because you did achieve some good and quick girth gains.

Current 2/17/06 BPEL: 6.5" EG: 5.5" Goal: BPEL: 8.0" EG 6.5"

Originally Posted by the big1
Some People Say It’s Hard To Do Both At The Same Time Do You Believe That?did You Work At Length First?do You Think Girth Gains Affect Length?I Just Started A New Work Out Tell Me How It Sounds.40 Mins Of Hanging, Then Manual Stenching,then Jelq 20 Min Then Pump 10 Mins. Then When I’m Done Pumping. I Hold The Base Of My Penis Tight And Jelq Up.I Kegel After Each Exercise.I Do This Every Other Day.but The Night Before I Hang For 40 Mins.let Me No If This Sounds Like A Good Work Out To Get Both Length And Girth At The Same Time Thank You.

5 Words Without A Capital Letter. Is That Some Kind Of Secret Code?


From what I thought a wet jelq is when you apply a lubricant and rub your hand along your skin without it staying with your hand and bunching up at the tip. A dry jelq is when the skin comes with it. So even though I am wet, I am taking the skin with me. With the intensity of a grip that I use, I have never been able to slide along the skin, it always stays with my grip. Actually I usually apply lotion to my unit so it does not dry out when jelqing, but it has no effect as a lubricant. Anyone can correct me if I am wrong on this.

Start date 12-10-05 Old: NBPEL - 4.5" BPEL - 5.75" EG - 4.625" Current: NBPEL - 5" BPEL - 6.25" EG - 5.1" Goal: NBPEL - 7.5" BPEL - 8.25 EG - 6.00" - I want a big floppy donkey dick!

Originally Posted by Zman2700

From what I thought a wet jelq is when you apply a lubricant and rub your hand along your skin without it staying with your hand and bunching up at the tip. A dry jelq is when the skin comes with it. So even though I am wet, I am taking the skin with me. With the intensity of a grip that I use, I have never been able to slide along the skin, it always stays with my grip. Actually I usually apply lotion to my unit so it does not dry out when jelqing, but it has no effect as a lubricant. Anyone can correct me if I am wrong on this.

You are correct.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Originally Posted by the big1
Some People Say It’s Hard To Do Both At The Same Time Do You Believe That?did You Work At Length First?do You Think Girth Gains Affect Length?I Just Started A New Work Out Tell Me How It Sounds.40 Mins Of Hanging, Then Manual Stenching,then Jelq 20 Min Then Pump 10 Mins. Then When I’m Done Pumping. I Hold The Base Of My Penis Tight And Jelq Up.I Kegel After Each Exercise.I Do This Every Other Day.but The Night Before I Hang For 40 Mins.let Me No If This Sounds Like A Good Work Out To Get Both Length And Girth At The Same Time Thank You.

I don’t know whether you’ll get “tenth,” but you’ll definitely lose friends if you keep up the manual “stenching!”

I hereby rescind all prior silent objections to the moderators’ obsessive correction of spelling and grammar.


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