Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does PE actually work? Opinions please


Originally Posted by vblue91
Hey there. Seeing a lot of the before and after pics is pretty impressive. But it seems too good to be true. I better get some questions out of the way before I start a PE routine.

*Are girth and length growths permanent? Or once you stop the exercises will your penis decrease to its original size?

*Does the potential for growth usually range from 0.5-2” or is it limitless?

*Is there anything I need to know about PE beforehand if I have an uncut and tight foreskin that doesn’t retract much?

*Do you need to PE multiple times everyday or is 2-3 times a week good?

*What are some of the longest/shortest times you have had or seen others have fonr growth (in months)?

*There are different sides to the PE story. Some, like you, contend that it is effective. Others, especially those in the medical field, argue against PE. Are both sides right? How to dispel the myths?

*If my penis size is 3 7/8” long flaccid and 5 7/8” erect (or let’s just say 4” flaccid and 6” erect), is 5” flaccid and 7” erect a reasonable expectation for 6 months of PE?


PE works, be sure you never have ED, and never cum in short time :)

Begining At 11.05.09: El 6.0" Eg 4.92"

Short Term Goal : El 6.5" Eg 5.2"

Long Term Goal : El 7.5" Eg 6.0"

Originally Posted by cantlook
Consistently doing stretches incorrectly for the first few months at least, if I remember correctly? You very well could have been over training (or slightly injuring yourself) while performing the exercises wrong, and consistently over training doesn’t necessarily breed success.

Yes indeed you are right. I hope you have a point there. But I’ve been stretching correctly since September, and it hasn’t made a difference. Thing is, is that by now, about 5 months down the line since I began doing PE, there would have been at least some PI or EQ gain, but there hasn’t been 1% positive change. Even despite me doing my stretches wrong for the first 2 1/2 months, I would have thought there was some indication by now that things were changing for the better.

July 2014 BPEL - 5 1/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base)

December 2015 BPEL - 5 3/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base) September 2020 BPEL - 6"

There’s a bit of a reality check with pe.

It’s not easy. It takes determination and persistence and most people give up after the first gainless month.

Cementing gains so they never fade takes a long time. It’s often recommended to take a solid year at least of a light routine to keep the gains.

It’s not that hard to hurt yourself if you leap into the advanced work too quickly. If you do it, do it right, or you’ll wind up popping a vessel or worse.

And gains aren’t always easy to come by. It can take months to move up half a cm. Sometimes you’ll spend months trying different things that aren’t working until you find something that does.

That’s the reality. It’s often uncomfortable and sometimes frustrating, but it’s ultimately worth it. But it’s absolutely not too good to be true.

The cock thickens

Originally Posted by Jay Flash
Yes indeed you are right. I hope you have a point there. But I’ve been stretching correctly since September, and it hasn’t made a difference. Thing is, is that by now, about 5 months down the line since I began doing PE, there would have been at least some PI or EQ gain, but there hasn’t been 1% positive change. Even despite me doing my stretches wrong for the first 2 1/2 months, I would have thought there was some indication by now that things were changing for the better.

If you were asking what my point was, it was to clarify that while you claimed consistency for 6 months without gain, you left out (from that post) issues with technique, which could be misleading to someone else reading. However, if you were acknowledging I may have a point that perhaps you were working against yourself for the first half of you PE, then we are on the same page. The more I read it the more it reads like the latter. :)

The nature of a text based forum sometimes make it difficult to read the original meaning (as above ;) ) and even more so to transfer the intricacies of physical technique so it is hard to say what may or may not be going wrong. Maybe you need time off and restart at a lower intensity? Maybe you need to increase? Hard to say from here, but if you are at about 3 months of solid exercises with no results then it sounds like something may need to be tweaked.

I’d say make a small increase and try it out for a couple months, with that same consistency as in the past.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by vblue91
Thanks guys for your replies.

Since reading that gains aren’t permanent and require lifetime maintenance I’ve decided I won’t do PE.

My motivation to start it is all based on insecurities anyway. I guess 6” isn’t that bad. I had a bad turn when a guy told me it wasn’t big enough for him, and that’s how I found PE. I’m gay by the way.

Even if you never do PE, your size will naturally decrease with age as you use your tool less often and your sex drive goes down. That is really no different than if you were to lose PE gains with time, except a combination of good diet, consistent PE, and kegels will keep your dick in tip top shape as well as add inches. It’s win win.

Plenty of people have never gained for years. The difference for them was their tissue was too strong. With infrared lamps and rice socks plenty of hard gainers have become easy gainers and rather quickly. Also, training while fatigued or going super hard only makes your penis recoil at the trauma. Its easier to have a sensitive weak penis and get faster gains then to have a well conditioned penis and have hard gains. That’s why decon breaks are super important. Mostly all big gainers over an inch have quit for a month for a decon break and then started back up and found their tissue more pliable again therefore allowing them get back to changing their tissue not just conditioning it to withstand a blow from a sledgehammer.

Edit: That means 2 days on 1 day off, listen to your penis, feel where your stretching when you stretch, warm your tissue to be relaxed and moveable, etc. Stop doing things like a machine and listen to whats happening. I have never even read the PI list and I know that if I keep a wood or plump day round and can feel fatigue and stretching in different spots while doing different exercises I’m growing here, there, this works that doesn’t etc.


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