Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does Pe Really Work? Some Say Hoax! Someone With Results Please Respond!

Rumor has it that the Pentagon has only taken bids from Thunder for the penis rebuilding
effort in Iraq. His company is called Thunderburton.

How can you crap(v.) crap(adj.) posts in a crap thread?

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

Last edited by Ramrod : 10-03-2004 at .

Cool, Thunder got away with it Hog? Phew!!. Chasing Rodney now Hog! :mad: . Hated that film, hated that part, hate siloquays. %-\

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Hey Ramrod,

I got the same info from my sources (the same as Dmitri’s). He -Thunder- actually betrayed Saddam (initially they were partners in a joint PE venture) and now, is introducing jelqing in the whole Middle East, claiming it is an ancient Native-American technique transmitted from fathers to sons long before the white man arrived in the continent.
You just can trust this fellow.

Last edited by Hog6.5 : 10-03-2004 at .

Come on guys he was joking. The way you can tell is he doesn’t say anything thats true. Not one thing. Then he compiles it with a conspiracy.

He was joking, I was joking when I said it was a hoax, obviously.

He didn’t give a hint though. Usually when you make a sarcastic post you try to hint. But thats what makes it “funny”.

My favorite talk show host does the same thing. He calls it pointing out absurdity with absurdity.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Thunderburton? I thought the company was called Wonderpants.


"Where was the Ka-Boom?! There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-Boom!"

Marvin the Martian

hello …

I realy want to now Jelq harmful for our penis ?

please discuss about this ..

Originally Posted by umudwar
hello …
I realy want to now Jelq harmful for our penis ?
please discuss about this ..

No, not harmful, just don’t overdo it, keep it under 300 jelqs per day.

By the way, you can start your own thread in a newbie section if you want to ask a question.


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