Thunder's Place

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Does Pe Really Work? Some Say Hoax! Someone With Results Please Respond!

Does Pe Really Work? Some Say Hoax! Someone With Results Please Respond!

I just started doing PE exercise but I’ve been doing some research and have come across a couple articles:

http://boards.w … sage_id=6285691

That one opposes PE exercises saying,

"I think that’s all bogus," says Tom Lue, MD, professor of urology at the University of California, San Francisco. He says that only swelling, caused by bleeding under the skin, could explain the increases in penis size men [experience]…


What’s more, Lue says, all the stretching, pulling, and squeezing might cause scar tissue to form in the penis, which could hinder a man’s ability to get an erection. But Thomas [someone who claims to have gained from PE exercises, namely jelqing] maintains that apart from a little soreness, he hasn’t injured his penis by jelqing, and he says his erections last longer than they did before.
"Anatomically and physiologically this is just wishful thinking," urologist Ira Sharlip, president of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America, writes in an email. "It’s all baloney until a real study with objective before and after measurements, verified by an independent source [since you can’t do a placebo comparison], proves that it works."

But, on AskMen - Become a Better Man there is an article with another person with medical credentials claiming (he goes by the name Dr. Williams):

http://www.askm … ve_answers.html (Dr. Williams FAQ)
http://www.askm … ve_answers.html (Dr. Williams previous article)

From the previous article by Dr. Williams:
Natural Enlargement Method
A group of physicians (myself included) set out to determine if natural penis enlargement is possible. It has taken almost 4 years, but we have determined how to accomplish it without weights, pulleys, stretching devices, injections, or surgery. We have assembled a program that will increase your penis length, width and your ability to perform sexually.

The program does not involve weights, devices, pumps, or surgery. It’s all natural, and it is based upon the most recent advances in men’s health from leading Universities, including research that won the Nobel Prize 2 years ago.


The one against PE excercises have two urologists one from the University of California and the one for PE exercises claimes it is "based upon the most recent advances in men’s health from leading Universities, including research that won the Nobel Prize 2 years ago. These are both articles from supposed educated medical people. One for, one against. My question to anyone that would be kind enough to a newbie like myself is DO PE EXERCISES REALLY WORK? Can anyone testify with ACTUAL RESULTS? IS IT REALLY JUST WISHFUL THINKING AND CAN DAMAGE PENILE/ERECTILE FUNCTION IN THE LONG-RUN? These are people both claiming that their information is the RIGHT making serious claims… both are claiming that these were tested by Universites or by University educated people.


This forum is rich with information. Search it and learn for yourself. Personally, I’ve been doing PE religiously for 3 months. I’ve gained about 1/2” in erect length and about the same in erect girth. I’ve also started hanging recently, and I suspect that more gains are coming soon.

Regarding penile health, jelqing seems to be great for the penis, as long as one doesn’t overdo it. It gave me mammoth (for me) and frequent erections. Hanging may not be as healthy, but I don’t believe it’s done me any real harm.

This site is probably the best place for information on PE anywhere. The medical community’s attitude that “if we haven’t proven it, it’s not valid” is a bit arrogant and is guaranteed to keep their weiners small. Read and learn for yourself.


Instead of me going on and on here trying to answer the same old questions. Why don’t you stay a while, look at some old posts with updates that members have here that speak to getting gains or not, etc, etc.

We see these sort of posts all of the time.

The short answer is; If you don’t have the ambition and tenacity to stick with a PE program, it will not work. You can overwork your penis just like any other body part and get injuries or setbacks.

Welcome to the board and good luck to you. :)

TEN COMMANDMENTS The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a Courthouse? You cannot post "Thou Shalt Not Steal," "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" and "Thou Shall Not Lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians...It creates a hostile work environment.

Pumper for a while got to the square dick 7X7 , hanging now 7-2010

Ah hell willsmith, these docs must be legit, they have their names mentioned on the internet and we know how hard it is to do that. OK, everybody can go home now, the jig is up.

Do a little more research will and you might find that these two “docs” might have a financial incentive hiding in the background someplace. I think Doc Williams is actually connected to a PE site that has about two pages of instructions and a ton of bullshit.

You have to decide for yourself.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

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I remember years back when the “Doctors” said that aerobics was answer, not weightlifting, etc, then the other way around flip flopping more than John Kerry. Now all of sudden the “Doctors” agree that you should do both. Hell, now I know why I do both Jelqing and Pumping…LOL

TEN COMMANDMENTS The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a Courthouse? You cannot post "Thou Shalt Not Steal," "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" and "Thou Shall Not Lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians...It creates a hostile work environment.

Pumper for a while got to the square dick 7X7 , hanging now 7-2010

No it’s a hoax give up it will never work.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I’m a skeptic and PE was no different - it sounded like BS and there were enough naysayers with “credentials” to convince me it was indeed a fraud. But my desire for more size was so strong it superseded my doubts, and I decided to take the old “what can it hurt to try” approach. Over a year and mucho gains later I find I was right - it didn’t hurt to try.

Oh yeah - and the experts were wrong. God bless ‘em.


In August I asked if anyone had posted before and after pics. ‘hobby’ graciously posted this link that should help convince you:

lil1’s Progress Pics

It convinced me.

Just as an FYI, not all ‘Doctors’ are physicians and not all physicians are M.D.’s. As a general rule whenever you see a doctor calling himself Dr. Smith in writing, he is more than likely NOT an M.D. An M.D. 99.9% of the time will write his name as Will Smith, M.D.

Move a little closer, Honey.

I've got a big prick for you.

My urologist, who recommends vacuum pumping as one treatment for ED, told me not to be surprised if my cock got larger. It has, through pumping combined with manual work.

If PE, at least the senible types usually practiced here at Thunders, is a hoax then I have been duped. But what do I do with this added length and girth, give it back to Thunder and the team here?



It’s worked for me so far so I dunno!

Originally Posted by willsmith2515

The one against PE excercises have two urologists one from the University of California and the one for PE exercises claimes it is “based upon the most recent advances in men’s health from leading Universities, including research that won the Nobel Prize 2 years ago.


Do a little research and you will see that the University of California’s medical division is connected with the AMA. The AMA cares nothing about your health and well being. Some of the research and doctors that started the AMA started out of Nazi Germany concentration camps, where they used to “experiment” on humans. As for the Nobel Peace Prize, I would not give that much merit, as Governor Bush and Tony Blair were nominees for that same award. :down:

Also, the telling sign of the validity of this website is its free. If somebody were going to hoax you, they would have a motive. Generally, the motive is money. This site is free to come and go as you please and research forums. Scan through the information on thiis site and the numerous articles and research that is done. There are guys on this site that post pics of their units. Do you know the kind of courage that takes? Surely, they would not be posting pictures if they did not believe in it.

Formerly known as Sex&Guns. R.I.P.

Sorry, PE doesn’t work!

(spread the word)


Av, I’ll take it :)

I’m with Krowax..but as Avocet has said, what am I going to do with the extra 2.21 inches I added to my length.

Maybe my ruler is getting shorter?

I think both my ruler and measurement tape got longer.

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