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does PE really work

does PE really work

ive been lookin all over the net to find a site about PE that was 4 reel. all i found was paysites. so i kept lookin and found this place.

i want to know if it is really possible to make my penis bigger. i have a girlfriend which i love very much. the only problem is her previous boyfriends all had large members and with my small unit i can never satisfy her sexually. my penis is 5” long. i have even brought up the issue with her and she agrees that with my small penis i cannot satisfy her. i really need to know if PE really works and if it does maybe i can save my relationship. if anyone has some advice or results please let me know i could really use the motivation

aiming for an 8 incher

Well, after my obligitory “God d*mn it! not another highly origional does this work question!” I will give you a straight answer: YES This stuff really does work.

You know those commercialls where some lady lost 50 lbs in 4 months? That is what the pay sites promise you for penis growth. Some guys do gain fast and a lot, may you be so blessed. For many, gaining inches can take years. But this stuff is real. If you are willing to invest the time and effort you can increase both your length and your girth by inches.

Please check the forum guidlines when you get a chance, its like a crash course in how to use Thunder’s, and will save you vast amounts of time. Link to bad forum (forumid 21) removed

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Last edited by iamaru : 03-14-2003 at .

Re: does PE really work

Originally posted by shortshyt

ive been lookin all over the net to find a site about PE that was 4 reel. all i found was paysites. so i kept lookin and found this place.

i want to know if it is really possible to make my penis bigger. i have a girlfriend which i love very much. the only problem is her previous boyfriends all had large members and with my small unit i can never satisfy her sexually. my penis is 5” long. i have even brought up the issue with her and she agrees that with my small penis i cannot satisfy her. i really need to know if PE really works and if it does maybe i can save my relationship. if anyone has some advice or results please let me know i could really use the motivation

Re: does PE really work

In short Id say proceed with caution. There are people here that have reported gains of ” 1 inch in 2 weeks ” ……….. yeah right and im the queen of England hoping to grow a dick.
Ive been doing it for 3 mths with limited success if any. I intend to give it another 3 mths and change the routine and if no thing happens forget about it.
Im a guy thats pretty happy with my size but could always use another inch, probably the same as 99% of us.

If nothing happens rather than continuously hanging things off of my todger ( while doing it you look a complete dick but if it works what the hell) Ill just get on with and free up quite a bit of time.

If it works great everyones happy. If you have to do 30mins - 1hr stretching a day for a year to get 0.15 gains Ill think forget it.



First of all. Change your screen name. It seems that you are beating yourself up unnecesarily. Be bold, something inspiring like “crackslpitter”, etc. If your gf agrees you can’t satisfy her sexually, end the relationship. I say this because you could be setting youself up as the guy that does all the shit stuff about being a bf and someone else gets to light up her christmas tree. It might not start out this way but women are human and not terribly honest by nature. Many would prefer to humor you rather than just move on. Think about what it would be like to have one woman to clean your pad - all you had to do was screw her a couple of times a month, but someone else that you really got off with on the side - nice set up huh? Don’t get set up as a cuckold. Again I’m not saying that this is what is going to happen, but you are asking for trouble if you insist on continuing in a relaltionship that has already been acknowledged as sexually unsatisfactory.

PE really works. check out the stats on sizemaster’s pe data site. read the faq and decide on a routine and get started, however be warned that this is not an overnight fix. If you are lucky you could see a gain of 3/4” length in a year (many get more but don’t assume you’ll be blessed as a fast gainer).

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


I’m afraid you have no chance whatsoever. It is a proven fact that those unable to read the forum guidelines or whose shift key does not work, or who cannot write properly, do not make any gains. Sorry.


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