Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does the girlfriend or wife know


Originally Posted by sailboatracer
I told my wife ” I was doing Kegels and “other exercises” to help make my erections harder and last longer”.
They say that “politics, like sausage making, is much better if you don’t watch the process too closely”. No “sausage making” pun intended, even though apropos.
I had a supervisor who had no clue as to how things worked and when his ideas proved to be unworkable, I usually tried to find a solution and then returned to him saying “well it didn’t quite work out but I have a way that does”. We rarely had interpersonal problems after I learned that technique.

You had a PE supervisor? Like a personal trainer for your dick? That’s awesome, where do I sign up for one? Although preferably one of the female variety. :D


The supervisor was at work, but I think the idea could be used for PE too. Show good results, then there is nothing to discuss.

Does the girlfriend or wife know

i can’t tell my wife, she would make fun of it I am sure…..she already told me the first year that when she was holding my erection, “hey, most of the guys that I used to sleep with were like 3 of her fists on top of one another….”, but with mine, its barely 1 and 1/3……that really was deflating that night…….she says that her average for guys was 3 1/2 of her clenched fists on each other and thats just shy of a foot………she used to date college basketball players or guys like them…….they were all black also……after 9 years shes cheated twice and both times said that she needed to fill filled because my 5 x 5.5/8” doesn’t feel like a whole lot……….i have tried jelqing and stretching on and off but I can’t do it regularly because of my kids……..i spend a lot of time with them and then I am beat…….but hey congrats on what is working for you………..keep at it!!!

I was doing it secretly for almost 2 weeks and then she kinda walked in when I was doing an exercise. She thought I was just masterbating to porn but I ended up deciding to tell her about what I was doing. Turns out it happened to be the best thing I could have done. Now I can do my exercises whenever I want and she even told me it turned her on to know I was up in the bathroom working on my pecker. She has also helped me take pictures of hit so I could focus on keeping it hard and getting the ruler in place.

BTW, she had also told me that my penis was the perfect size and didn’t want me to make it bigger but understood why and now supports me.

I have told Mrs 7 about the jelqing and Penismaster and PowerJelq but not the Androgel, pump, max extender. I know what’s the point now? But it works for us.

Stick around dude, you can accomplish alot here. You are not alone by any stretch of the imagination. Read, read, read


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Well my wife told me I was F’ing sick. I didn’t let a little thing like that stop me. I am still doing it when I can. Usually in the mornings. She just doesn’t seem to understand and that’s her problem.

Feb. 1, 04 BPEL-6 1/16 EG-5 1/2 (at circumscision scar) Current 6-6-04 BPEL- 6 5/8 EG- 5 1/2 First goal 7 inches BPEL

Mandalay and Blondelover,

You guys have some really unforgiving wives. Mandalay, next time you’re fingering your wife, let her know how much tighter your ex-girlfriends were. Blonde next time your wife goes to the gym or goes on a diet tell her that’s she’s f’ing sick to try and improve herself. See how they react. Or possibly a better plan is to talk to them and explain how you think their comments are hurting you, or uninformed. That way you wake up with both testicles still attached.


PE is no different than anything a woman does to enhance her looks or appearance. Hell, it’s no different than doing any self improvement. For the guy’s with the critical lady’s-what’s next?

I could see if you had a 8+ wanger, that’s a good size dick and really wouldn’t necessarilly need much more. Although, if your’e working on girth-or just doing maintenance. Point is, if you want to change something about yourself-and you have the knowledge, power and motivation to do it. Then why must you have your balls busted (no pun intended) for trying to improve yourself. It would be like her wanting to have cosmetic surgery, and you being a loony fuck and saying ” oh sure, you just want to look good for the guy’s at your office”. That shit is all about insecurity. The be-littleing is something, you guy’s will have to learn to live with. Or, perhaps she could see it in her selfish little self to look in the mirror. That kind of stuff is hard. When I started PE, I was real stealthy-you know-felt a little like a perv. Then I began to realize, that it’s just another form of body enhancement. No worse than lifting weights or spending hours a day working out at the vanity laden health club. I realized that being stealthy really cut into my PE time, and I needed to tell my wife. This would allow me to spend more time at my PE. That is if she is cool with it. Now mind you, I’m not small-but I’m not big either (7.25 BPEL). I told her about what I was doing, and I have always been a grower. I’m looking for some EL gains, but more than anything-I’ve always wished I had a larger flaccid. I put it in the perspective,of a woman and her breasts. If you grow up being teased and ridiculed about your anatomy, it kinda fucks with your head. Even if you can come to grips with the fact, that people are cruel and that’s just the way the world is.

Godamn, tryn get to the point.

So the point is: if you have to hide it from your mate, is what your’e trying to achieve really worth the brain fuck. Maybe your PE adventure, should start with cleaning up your realtionship. I can’t imagine being with a control freak, I think being alone would be better than being monitered all the time.
Now if you have to hide it from your kid’s-that’s different. Don’t let your kid’s see you workin on your pecker. With all the liberal shit they teach at school, you’ll be sharing a cell with Michael Jackson. LOL You can’t even take a shit with the door open at home, if you do your’e an exhibitionist. Glad my kids are all grown.

Good growing to all, and hope your situation’s improve.


"If you build it, they will come".

My wife does not know and hasn’t notice, primarily because we are not having sex at the moment. She is recovering from childbirth and is both sore and apprehensive about sex again. I am concerned about touching the sides! She was pretty stretched after the baby. Hence my stealthy exercises. I actually changed my whole daily routine to fit in PE. I now cycle to work early and do my PE in the loos. I have to smuggle moisturising lotion around as I find dry jelqing painful.

Anyway, I am hoping to surprise her with my increased girth. Not so fussed about length as I have always been able to reach the CDS (or could before childbirth!).

BLP: 7.1 inches
EG: 5.6 inches.
Goal: 7.5 x 6.5

I didn’t realize there was a thread. I hope you got the advice you needed and were looking for.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar


You should rename this thread, “Does the girlfriend or wife care?” Mine has no idea. If she did, she’d probably laugh me out of the house. I think she thinks I’m down here watching porn and masturbating. If she ever questions me, I’ll tell her the truth. I envy those guys whose significant other knows and is supportive and helpful with their new-found obsession, i.e. Andrew69. Lol.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


I told my wife the day I started… I thought the whole gain size thing was bunk and was doing it for my premature ejaculation.. A few months into it my wife kept swearing that it was getting bigger.. I’m a believer now..



You and I started for other reasons and then got hooked. The day my “cow pussy” wife verbalizes what’s written all over her face when we make love, is the day I’ll know for sure this is not all some figment of my imagination.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


My Wife actually caught me jelqing. I explained to her later that they were exercises to increase my penis size she was very suspicious about my motives. I told her that it would enhance our sex lives by allowing us to do different positions instead of her always on top. She was supportive at first then after a couple weeks she expressed her dislike for all the “messing with my penis” I was doing. She said she couldn’t understand why I couldn’t be happy with my size, because she was happy with it.

I really think that its just her own insecurities about our relationship. Even though I don’t really see why there would be any reason for her to be insecure.

The fact is women can’t understand, they can try, but they never will. All they have to do is show up. Even if they have a cow pussy, the guy can still have an orgasm.

Anyway like Scottso said, she knows, but I feel like I have to be sneaky about it anyway. Which sucks, but oh well.

“I really think that its just her own insecurities about our relationship. Even though I don’t really see why there would be any reason for her to be insecure.”

You hit the nail on the head, as to speak. Why is it that there always has to be an ulterior motive. Your body is your temple (somebody famous said that), so why are you chastised for trying to better it. Perhap’s the better is in your mind, but that is enough. Like I said, in the beginning-I thought I was a perv that just liked to touch my dick. Well, I narrowed it down-I’ve always liked to touch my dick-that’s nothing new. LOL I was always bummed that I wasn’t graced with a bigger unit.I stumbled across Thunders, and I now believe-truly believe that I can change that part of my life. But, honestly guy’s-this PE stuff is no worse than body-building. I guess, if you gotta hide out to achieve your goal-then so be it. Then you just have to deal with, how to explain the bigger cock to the person you have been hiding your PE from. Almost Sad in a way, you being proud of all your hard work- and having to explain how, why and what-for. I guess I’m lucky to have a mate like I do, that totally lets me be ME. Good luck fella’s.

"If you build it, they will come".


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