Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does the girlfriend or wife know


Does the girlfriend or wife know

I have been doing the PE’s for 1 week now and what a difference I can see. I just got my first red bumps on my cock and head yesterday after an intense jelqing session after work. I had to hurry up and get a session in before my girl got home. I started doing PE about 6 months ago and she knew about them and told me that she didn’t want my cock any bigger. As any guy in here always wants a bigger cock, especially with my starting stats. Now that I have found this site and I am more serious that ever. I was just curious to see if anyone of you guys in here has there girlfriends or wives help them out in there PE’s or do any of them know about you enlarging your cocks. If so what is there reaction, did they know your starting stats and what do they think now afterwards.

Please help

Begining Stats 5/25/04 Fl 3.75", fg=4",bpel=5.5",eg=4.5" 6/25/04 Bpfl=4.64",fg=4.68",bpel=6.04",eg=4.95" 2ND MONTH 7/23/04(going out of town)early measurement BPFL=4.75" FG=4.75" BPEL=6.3" EG=5.3" 3rd Month(WOW is all I can SAY) 5.5" BPFL 5.5" FG 6.63" BPEL 6" EG Goal Fl 6.5" Fg 5.75" Bpel 8.5" Eg 6.5"


I took a chance and told my wife right from the get go. She thought it was a bit strange (if not stupid) but said if that’s what I want to do, fine. However, whenever I mention it or make a reference to it, she kind of gets a look on her face like I’m ridiculous. She suspects I have ulterior motives as well… what they might be…I have no clue. I would really like for her to be more supportive and even be involved. Even though I’ve told her, I feel the need to still be stealthy with my PE and that seriously hinders the amount of time and variety of exercises I can perform. I am going to have another talk with her about it. Maybe eventually she’ll take it a bit more seriously. I would love to be able to lie in bed with her watching television and do some jelqing, stretching, pumping… whatever. I’m getting tired of feeling like I’m doing something wrong.



When you say you noticed a difference, are they measurable difference? Is it something you feel or maybe a placebo effect?

Im just curious and I am starting out as well. I want to make sure that my gains are really gains, measurable and not just feelings.

(btw, Im not saying that your gains are just perception, Im just curious what you meant by “noticing a difference”)


I have noticed a difference in my erections and my thickness throughout the day. I don’t want to measure to soon but it definitely looks thicker and hangs longer in the flaccid state. I plan on measuring every month on the 25th. Don’t feel bad point if your small, so am I(at least for now)

Originally Posted by point1

When you say you noticed a difference, are they measurable difference? Is it something you feel or maybe a placebo effect?

I’m just curious and I am starting out as well. I want to make sure that my gains are really gains, measurable and not just feelings.

(Btw, I’m not saying that your gains are just perception, I’m just curious what you meant by “noticing a difference”)


Begining Stats 5/25/04 Fl 3.75", fg=4",bpel=5.5",eg=4.5" 6/25/04 Bpfl=4.64",fg=4.68",bpel=6.04",eg=4.95" 2ND MONTH 7/23/04(going out of town)early measurement BPFL=4.75" FG=4.75" BPEL=6.3" EG=5.3" 3rd Month(WOW is all I can SAY) 5.5" BPFL 5.5" FG 6.63" BPEL 6" EG Goal Fl 6.5" Fg 5.75" Bpel 8.5" Eg 6.5"

thanks for the feedback squash…

I definately concur that the difference is noticeable even after a couple of jelqing sessions. I just shaved this morning just to get a cleaner and better grip =)

Please keep us posted about your gains.

squash you think your small? what do you think is “normal”?

And to answer the OP yes she knows, but no she doesn’t assist. I have thought that her on her knees in front of me lending a lick now and then might help keep the erection level up durring jelqing.

Well they say 6-6.5” is average in length. Either way I look at it to me my cock is small, until I reach my goal of 8.5” bpel and 5.5-6” flaccid I’m small in my book

Begining Stats 5/25/04 Fl 3.75", fg=4",bpel=5.5",eg=4.5" 6/25/04 Bpfl=4.64",fg=4.68",bpel=6.04",eg=4.95" 2ND MONTH 7/23/04(going out of town)early measurement BPFL=4.75" FG=4.75" BPEL=6.3" EG=5.3" 3rd Month(WOW is all I can SAY) 5.5" BPFL 5.5" FG 6.63" BPEL 6" EG Goal Fl 6.5" Fg 5.75" Bpel 8.5" Eg 6.5"


I’d tell her that I am going to do the exercises (not ask her, tell her). I’d also tell her to support me or get the fuck out.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

squash, was kind of a side step. so you think 5.75 is small, and 8.5 is big. what’s neither big nor small. you fit into average right now. average is not small, but as anyone here will tell you, averge is also not enough. :) You are not small.

When I realized that stealth procedures were going to be too much hassle I decided to tell my girlfriend without any hesitation and see what happens. She was very good about the whole thing and supportive and when she sees my unit fill the whole tube—I can tell that it turns her on… even though she may not admit that and say something like:

OMG doesn’t that hurt!!??? (as she turns away in a look of horror)

She loves reading Thunders posts and says that the guys here are really a good bunch and its not like she imagined it. She especially likes the fact that I went to meet some of the guys on April 22 and thought that we are like one big happy family. Shes thinks its touching how we all reach out to each other and show the more intimate sides of each other that few women will acknowledge men are capable of.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


To each their own, as far as telling the W, Girlfriend, Sig other.

I treat this as my private place (no pun intended, but it would have been a good one had I intended it). My W would not understand, think I was obsessed (which I guess I am), think it was being done for alterior motives, etc etc.

I would think most W’s would not throw a parade in your honor, because you were doing PE.

For the Henpecked Guys, you would probably get your balls busted for not painting the bathroom, for which you were spending too much time PE-ing. For the guys who’s wives have loose lips, she might be slamming down the wine with the Neighbors wife, and let it slip out that you are stretching your dick.

I guess if you have a cool wife, like the guy in thunders place who swings, then it would work out good.

Whatever floats your boat.

If you don’t want anybody else to know, then I wouldn’t tell her, unless she is one of the few women that can keep a secret. Some guys don’t mind who finds out, others do care. My SO knows about jelqing and now about fowfers, but not about Thunder’s. I have reason to believe she leaked it out and word has spread, though of course she says not so.

She’s in favor of PE one day(she was even interested if enlargement pills work), and then the next day she acts like she doesn’t understand men and their dick obsession. Then the next day she comments on humping it all the time when I reach 8”, and then the next day she says that may be too long (even though she doesn’t have trouble with 7+ inches). I no longer try very hard to understand her. Size matters to her, but not all that much it seems, therefore her mood has room to determine how she acts. When the woman knows you are PEing, it’s going to be brought up from time to time. If you want complete privacy and to not have to deal with the psychological aspects of her knowing, then don’t tell her. The problem is if you live together it is very difficult to spend much time with PE without her wondering what is going on. For instance, why does he spend so much time in the bathroom.

I unloaded some clothes out of the dryer the other day. Among the vaious articles of clothing was the heating pad cover. When my wife saw it, she asked, “Why’d you wash that? Did it smell like dick?”

Reckon she knows?

Actually, I told her long ago and she is VERY supportive and gives progress reports often when we play doctor.


"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood

I told my wife ” I was doing Kegels and “other exercises” to help make my erections harder and last longer”.

They say that “politics, like sausage making, is much better if you don’t watch the process too closely”. No “sausage making” pun intended, even though apropos.

I had a supervisor who had no clue as to how things worked and when his ideas proved to be unworkable, I usually tried to find a solution and then returned to him saying “well it didn’t quite work out but I have a way that does”. We rarely had interpersonal problems after I learned that technique.


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