Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does the prosolution pills work for PE


Have you tried Don Lapre’s “the greatest vitamin in the world?”

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

“The greatest vitamin in the world” is just some cheap junk. One of the worst vitamins in the world actually.

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

Originally Posted by Peter Dick

“The greatest vitamin in the world” is just some cheap junk. One of the worst vitamins in the world actually.

You actually bought something Don Lapre was selling? I like mega man myself. I thought “The greatest vitamin in the world” would be fitting to mention in this thread, because scum bags giving false hope through pills such as prosolution, or any hyped, misleading, over priced pills belong in the same category. Don’t get me started on pharmaceuticals.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

I was just wondering if the majority of the guys that said the pills don’t work have actually tried them? I’m 2 months month course of taking them and I’ve gained 1.25 inches in that time with sporadic pe, I just do it when I can be bothered which isn’t much. Best purchase I’ve ever made actually.

Originally Posted by Storm

I was just wondering if the majority of the guys that said the pills don’t work have actually tried them? I’m 2 months month course of taking them and I’ve gained 1.25 inches in that time with sporadic pe, I just do it when I can be bothered which isn’t much. Best purchase I’ve ever made actually.

So, what’s the difference with thier ingredients from something that costs far less? Is it a secret combination of ingredients that works, and is so different than others?

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Here’s thier majic ingredients.

“Don’t be fooled by imitation products that make outrageous claims and then have nothing to back up their claims. ProSolution Pills has helped over 8,000 men and is rated the #1 penis enlargement system on the internet. Try the others and then when you get no results, come back to us for guaranteed penis enlargement gains.”

L-arginine (highest quality)
L-Arginine is a naturally occurring amino acid, one of the “Semi essential” amino acids that can open up blood vessels throughout the body. It forms nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels, carrying oxygenated blood and nutrients to vital organs and tissues including the heart and penis. L-Arginine is an amino acid that stimulates growth hormone release and enhances the immune system. This amazing amino acid as also been shown to dramatically increase ejaculatory volume levels and orgasm intensity when taken on a regular basis.

Anecdotal reports suggest that L-arginine supplements can improve fertility in men who have low sperm counts or poor sperm motility (activity). Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw contend that L-arginine supplements can double sperm count. [Keller, 1975; Salvadorini, 1974].

Chinese Name: Tu su zi
Pharmaceutical name: Semen Cuscutae
Common name: Dodder seed
Primary function of the cuscutae seed is to benefit and tune up the kidney, liver, reproductive, urinary and cardiovascular systems.

It is most commonly used to strengthen the uro-genital functions. Cuscutae seed is used to treat impotence, premature ejaculation, frequent urination and sexual disinterest in males Cuscuta seed is considered to be an anti-aging herb. It is used to build sperm, increase fertility in both men and women and is listed as an aphrodisiac in all traditional Chinese pharmacopoeias.

Common Name: Gingko
Pharmaceutical Name: Folium Ginkgoidis
The Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract enhances blood circulation and increases the supply of oxygen to the heart, brain and all body parts. In addition, it acts as an anti-oxidant and thereby has anti-aging effects. In the male, it improves the arterial inflow to erectile tissues through arteries and veins without any change to systemic blood pressure. It is therefore considered to be extremely beneficial in the treatment of male impotence due to lack of blood flow.

Chinese Name: Yin yang huo
Pharmaceutical name: Herba Epimedii
Has been shown to stimulate the supra renal glands, and triggers the increased hormonal secretions. Research has shown this herb to increase male sperm count and semen density substantially. Herba Epimedii also expands the circulatory system’s blood vessels, while allowing hormone-enriched blood to penetrate sensitive tissues.

Common Name: Hawthorn (Western)
Pharmaceutical name: Fructus Crataegi
Most definitely the best tonic for the heart and circulatory system. Has restorative and stimulating properties. Hawthorn is the leading remedy for essential hypertension, and often used to reduce stress and anxiety associated with poor sexual function. Hawthorn dilates coronary vessels helping to increase circulation by transporting nutrients and oxygen. In addition hawthorn also possesses antioxidant properties that neutralizes free radicals in the system.

Common Name: Ginseng (Korean Red)
Pharmaceutical name: Radix Ginseng
The most well known medicinal plant of China, Panax Ginseng is used for its mental and physical revitalizing effect on the whole body. These anti-fatigue properties thus help to create more energy and can elevate mood.

Ginseng universally combats weakness and gives extra energy. It improves the endocrine gland function and has a positive effect on the sex glands. In addition to enhancing athletic performance, Panax Ginseng rejuvenates and increases longevity. It also acts as a general detoxifier and normalizes the entire system.

Common Name: Catuaba
Botanical Name: Erythroxylum Catuaba
Catuaba The most remarkable quality of Catuaba is in the area of treating functional impotence of the male genital organs. It is an innocent aphrodisiac, safe and highly effective for long term use.

Catuaba exhibits a high portion of mineral materials and trace elements. Above all magnesium, potassium and calcium are contained in considerable quantities.

In Brazilian herbal medicine today, Catuaba is considered a central nervous system tonic with aphrodisiac properties and the bark is used for sexual impotency, agitation, nervousness, neurasthenia, poor memory or forgetfulness, and sexual weakness.

Only the crust of the tree is used, this crust regenerates itself quickly. Thus the rain forest is ecologically and meaningfully used and is not exploited or destroyed.

The historic traditional use of this herbal tonic is legendary. Many say it is the most famous of all the Brazilian aphrodisiac plants. It is a strong tonic and nervous system fortifier. It is known for its general capability of giving strength and relieving fatigue.

The effect is pronounced in men, especially as a libido enlivener. It is often used in combination with Muira Puama for tonifying the male sexual and urinary organs, specifically as an aphrodisiac and for impotence.

Common Name: Muira Pauma
Botanical Name: Liriosma ovata
One of the best herbs to use for erectile dysfunction is Muira puama. This shrub is native to Brazil and has long been used as a powerful aphrodisiac and nerve stimulant in South American folk medicine. A recent clinical study has validated its safety and effectiveness in improving libido and sexual function in patients.

Zinc Gluconate
This sex nutrient is essential for the male reproductive system. Zinc is also important for healthy prostate function. Testosterone, the most effective anabolic our bodies naturally produce, is known to be closely interrelated with zinc.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by crashhex
So, what’s the difference with thier ingredients from something that costs far less? Is it a secret combination of ingredients that works, and is so different than others?

I understand what you’re saying crash and I’d be pissed if they didn’t work for me. Yes, I could have gotten something cheaper, but in all honesty I would have paid 3 times the amount I did to make gains. Like I said, it’s the best money I’ve ever spent and I’ll be buying more after I finish this 3 month cycle. They worked for me and that’s all I care about. 1.25 inch gain for around $150. Hardly the national debt.

Originally Posted by Storm

I understand what you’re saying crash and I’d be pissed if they didn’t work for me. Yes, I could have gotten something cheaper, but in all honesty I would have paid 3 times the amount I did to make gains. Like I said, it’s the best money I’ve ever spent and I’ll be buying more after I finish this 3 month cycle. They worked for me and that’s all I care about. 1.25 inch gain for around $150. Hardly the national debt.

Well, we all know some of us are willing to pay for some gains.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by crashhex
Well, we all know some of us are willing to pay for some gains.

And I’m one of those. It’s easier that way.

I can hardly imagine how these pills help increasing the tool without PE exercise. Even on most of their web sites they suggest pe exercise in combination.

I always find it interesting that the only positive reports I’ve ever seen on penis pills when discussed on forums, seem to come from new members without any previous posts. And usually the only posts they make are in regards to penis pills. Not just you Storm, I’m not accusing you of anything nefarious. It just seems it’s always like that.

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

I was thinking the same thing, Eroset.

I think I’ll go with the numbers on this one. There are so many guys here that say they don’t work and only a very small handlful that say they do. I personally took those pills (I don’t remember if it was ProSolution or not) about three years ago for about 6 months and they did jack****. I did very unconsistant exercises with them (and probably performing them wrong anyway). So without PE they definitely don’t work, and with PE they only increase circulation (if they even do that). So instead of spending $150 for 1.25 inches, Storm, you could have probably spent about $30 at your local health store. We just tell guys to not waste money they could use more wisely elsewhere.


The pills increased my flaccid size tenfold, as my wallet no longer impinged on my penile circulation.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba

The pills increased my flaccid size tenfold, as my wallet no longer impinged on my penile circulation.


"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

Originally Posted by crashhex

You actually bought something Don Lapre was selling? I like mega man myself. I thought “The greatest vitamin in the world” would be fitting to mention in this thread, because scum bags giving false hope through pills such as prosolution, or any hyped, misleading, over priced pills belong in the same category. Don’t get me started on pharmaceuticals.

No. Of course I didn’t buy that crap. I also wouldn’t buy anything from Kevin Trudeau.

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"


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